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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Adelphi chapter.

Spring break is here and that means going away, creating new memories, and most importantly no school! Unfortunately, for some we can’t afford to go to a beachy getaway but no worries, its back home for one long week.

Expectation: Hopping on a plane somewhere ready to enjoy a tropical, beachy atmosphere and warm, warm sun.

Reality: Me wrapped up in blankets with my laptop, drinking mimosas.

Expectation: I’m going to party with my friends!

Reality: Your friends have a different spring break than you



Expectation: You have that one friend whose break lines up with yours!

Reality: And then they’re never free….

Expectation: I’m getting all of my assignments done early.

Reality: Sunday night, “Ohh crap, I forgot about THAT!” 

Expectation: I have a full week to myself, I’m going to eat right and workout

Reality: Actually,  nahh…… 


Expectation: You get the house to yourself because your parents have work and your siblings have school.

Reality: “We took off from work to see you!”

Expectation: Waking up early to have adventures with your friends.

Reality: Sleeping WAY too late because you were on your phone the night.


Expectation: I want to come back after spring break with a nice summery glow.

Reality: JK, I’m going to stay up till 4am and be on Netflix.


Expectation: I’m going to take a whole bunch of fun photos over break!

Reality: Instead I’m just looking at everyone else’s Snap story.

Hello! My name is Melanie! I studied Business Management here at Adelphi. Dancing is my passion and my life and I've been dancing since I was four years old. I still dance to this day in NYC. I was employed on campus as part of the Social Media Team. Also, on campus was involved in Adelphi's Symphony Orchestra where I played violin and wrote for HerCampus. Other fun facts about myself is I love animals and the outdoors, my favorite color is pink and I wish that I was a mermaid. ❤