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So your friend is eloping? Here are five “I Do” responses!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Adelphi chapter.

One of my best friends, the love of my life, and my biggest mentor who sadly graduated last May texted me two weeks ago. She asked how important an event would have to be for me to fly to her (in New Orleans!). Can you guess what the event was?

If you guessed an elopement, you are correct! That’s right, my busiest weekend of the semester, ten days away, was now a giant exclamation point in my brain. After this announcement, three things happened. One, I screamed and cried. Two, I Googled how much flights cost from NY to NOLA with a ten day notice- $600 at the least, if you were wondering. And three, I remembered that I had not been paid in almost three months.

With the promise of no bad feelings, a bigger ceremony in two years, and a zoom link, I watched my friend get married through Instagram DM’s as I worked a million shifts back to back.

In case you ever get in a situation like me, here are five great responses to the initial text:


A classic, if I do say so myself. This short and simple message says everything you need, and is versatile in the situation. Are you extremely excited for your friend? Say “OMG WHAT?!”. Have you been so out of the loop that you didn’t know about their partner? This phrase works for that as well! It is also a great way to portray a double meaning without them knowing- they will never know whether this is a message of excitement or disbelief for how long they made it with their significant other. 

Their full government name

This is another very versatile option. Personally, this is the option I went with, accompanied with some very eloquent word vomit. This option is perfect as a reminder about how INSANE this piece of news is. Not something one drops over Instagram DMs. Maybe a phone call next time so you don’t stop right in the middle of the stairs in your residence hall. This response gives the sender an opportunity to have a moment of panic- are they mad? do they not want to come? – and feel like you do in this situation: completely overwhelmed. Seriously, I’m so very happy for you, but WOW you’re getting married, yet eight months ago I was eating in the dining hall with you.

A phone call

I highly recommend this option. While I, in my panicked state, did not think to press the tiny call button at the top of the chat, I wish I did. This is great to share excitement with the soon-to-be-wed person. In case this is a very much “oh no” situation, it is also an amazing way to share that with your friend or practice your acting skills as you allow yourself to believe this is the right choice. 


This is perfect for a friend that you are pretty casual with. Maybe you used to be very close but now you organically split your separate ways. The classiness of “congratulations” over just “congrats” elevates this from graduation to nuptials, and the excessive amount of exclamation points shows how much you still care. Pair this with some sweet words and memories of you, them, and maybe their partner, and wish them both the best. Maybe go to the Hallmark store and buy a card before your next class.

“Wow! I am so happy for you :)”

Readers, do not be fooled by this. I have put this one last because this is reserved for the most special of situations- when you are in love with the one eloping. The initial message is innocent enough. Paired with the smiley face- one of the most versatile of emoticons- it will be a slap in the face to your friend. They know that this is just a step in your journey together, don’t they? They know you counted every second you were together and pray for a friends to lovers arc that rivals the one in Love, Rosie. But, unless they think the same and are in the mood for some drama in their lives, this message can go noticeably unmentioned, and brushed off as a great response to your friend’s wedding vows.  

I hope you found this list helpful! I know that it seems unlikely to ever need it, but I remind you that humans contain multitudes and this spring weather makes me really emotional. Have fun Googling wedding gifts!

Hey everyone, I'm Joanna and I am an Art History major at Adelphi! I proudly rep the best state ever- New Jersey- and am equally as proud of being Polish :). Don't ask me what I am doing with my degree because the answer will be "ummm maybe a curator or a professor or something with research?" but just know that I will be explaining the historical context of everything in any museum ever! I enjoy listening and creating music, doing my french homework, and using writing as a way to make my soul tangible…. thanks for reading <3