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Richard Bedard ’17

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Adelphi chapter.

Q: What’s your major?

A: I’m a Communications major.

Q: What activities are you involved in school and outside school?

A: I am a part of Elections United and I want to start attending Breaking Boundaries.

Q: What are your hobbies?

A: I love to play piano it expresses who I really am it makes me feel at home when I was stressed out and I need something to calm me down. I also like to read because I can who I really am while being somebody new at the same time.


FUN Fact: I’m a triplet!

Q: What are your favorite foods?

A: My favorite food is mac and cheese and lasagna. My mom always made them when I was little and it reminds me of home no matter where I am.

Q: What do you wish to do when you graduate? (What are your goals)

A: When I graduate from Adelphi University, I want to be a disability lawyer the reason why I want to do this ever because I know not of many people I asked fortunate as me and have the ability to go to college. I believe that no matter how you’re born, everybody should have the opportunity follow their dreams and become who they really want to be. It is not about how you are born but what you decided to do with it.

FUN Fact: I know all the South American states in alphabetical order.

Q: Do you have any role models?

A: My role models are my mom and Doctor Viscardi who founded my school, Henry Viscardi School. They have taught me that it is important to follow your dreams and navigate to this fighting spirit I have always kept with me.

Q: What would be the perfect date?

A: Maybe grabbing some dinner and talking and going for a nighttime walk.

Q: Single or taken?

A: I am taken. I have been seeing sombody for 2 months and everything is so wonderful.

FUN Fact: I teach piano as well as knowing how to play it.

Hi I'm Liz!! I'm currently a sophomore at Adelphi University and I study communications. I strive to become a journalist or a news reporter someday. Besides being a contributor for HerCampus and studying communications, I have a passion for martial arts and criminal justice. I also love babysitting so I obviously love kids and something I may also do is become a teacher. One fun fact about me is that  I have been studying Ju Jitsu for the past 12 or 13 years and I am currently a second degree brown belt.