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Real Talk: Dorming vs commuting

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Adelphi chapter.

Lets face it, commuting can be a pain in the neck especially for people who have a long commute. Finding parking on campus is never fun because there are hardly any good spaces to park in. However, there are a few perks of commuting such as being able to sleep in the comfort of your own bed and eating delicious home cook meals. But is it really worth it? 

Having eight am classes can be a drag especially when taking the train or driving through the morning rush. Being able to function at that hour of day and sitting patiently in traffic is almost impossible. However, when dorming an eight am class doesn’t seem that bad because the classes are walking distance.  

Dorming can seem convenient and expensive. Paying extra tuition for dorming and meal plans will empty your bank accounts. Furthermore, living on campus can have its disadvantages just like commuting.

Living away from home can make us homesick and lonely. Not only that but eating on campus can get tedious and expensive. Also, if you have a terrible roommate, living on campus can be irritating and unexciting.

But there are great advantages that make living on campus worthwhile such as being able to join clubs and getting involved on campus. By being involved you meet new friends and be a part of an organization or even sorority. In addition, going to the gym or fitness group classes can be come a part of your regular routine.  This can serve you as a stress reliever and having the library close by is a great advantage as well.


However, as a commuter these are challenges you face every day. When having a long commute it can be difficult to get involved on campus. Traveling back and forth is expensive just as much as eating on campus. Also, not being able to have a place to take a comforting nap during your breaks is upsetting.

The true question is: is dorming or commuting worth it? The answer depends on the person because it depends on what matters to them. Both of these options are similar unless you live so close to campus that you can walk. Paying for gas, train tickets or MTA cards can add up to the same amount as dorming. It depends on what you like and what works for you. If you are a commuter definitely try the option of dorming if you can, to see if it’s really worth it. 


I am currently working for Chernoff Diamond, a financial consulting firm. I have a passion for writing and going to the gym. My main mission is to utilize my writing and journalism skills to help advocate for the underprivileged. With determination and hard work, I am motivated to travel around the world and learn about people's stories in hope to become more knowledgeable about the world.