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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Adelphi chapter.

Everyone has their own ritual in the morning that jump starts their day! Some parts of every morning routine are more important than others. Here are some of the most essential parts that everyone should inculde in thier routines in the a.m.

1. Face Wash

This is so important to feeling fresh and also mantaining clean skin. Use a wash that smells good and makes your face feel awake and ready for the day. 


2. Moisturizer 

Moisturizer might be one of the most essential parts of any day. It leaves skin feeling soft and fights against dry flaky skin. 


3. Sunscreen 

In order to fully protect your skin, you should always put on sunscreen, whether its in a moisturizer, or just on it’s own, its more essential to healthy skin than you would think, (and yes, you should wear it in the winter too). 


4. Mouthwash, Floss, Toothpaste, and a Toothbrush

Brushing your teeth is possibly the most important part of every morning routine, because no one wants to be that person with morning breath! Also, brushing your teeth twice a day is essential to overall dental health. 


5. A Balanced Breakfast 

It doesn’t have to be big, but at least include some type of protien to help you last until lunch. Instead of having a muffin and coffee, maybe go for a healthier option like eggs and orange juice. They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day! 


Morning routines dont have to be tourture, they’re how we spend the first moments of our day! Make it fun by playing music or putting on a show you like while getting ready, and think positively about how your day will go! 




Melissa is a journalism student at Adelphi University, and hopes to one day write for magazines and/various media types.