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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Adelphi chapter.

Resident student Monica Rosenberg has reached celebrity status on campus due to her unique personality and edgy style. She is a sophomore studying exercise science with a love for snap backs and tattoos. Rosenberg is currently in the process of getting a half sleeve to add to her five tattoos. She wants to eventually have both arms covered in tattoos. One of her favorites, is actually the first ink she has gotten. A key with the “M” initial holds deep meaning, as all of her tattoos do. She explains, “The meaning behind my key tattoo is control, nobody can hand me the key to opportunities in life, and it’s my own to hold because only I can unlock my full potential.”

It is hard to believe that our Campus Celebrity was shy in high school. She felt like she was unable to be herself. “Coming out in the 11th grade was life changing. I felt I was in control of my life for the first time now because I accepted who I was and nobody could use it against me. It gave me strength. At the end of the day, all we have is who we are. I love who that person is and continues growing to be,” she says. Now in college she has become who she wanted to be: confident and comfortable. 


Q: Where are you originally from and why did you decide to come to Adelphi? 

M: Westbury, I did summer camp here for three years. I wasn’t ready to be far away from home but still wanted to feel independent. Also, it is easy to go home. 


Q: What are you involved with on campus?

M: C.A.L.I.B.E.R, work in the gym, E-board of I am That Girl, interested in joining Her Campus! 


Q: If you were president of Adelphi for one day what would you do? 

M: I would take the golf course back and make it apart of campus to expand. The school apparel would be discounted by 75% and get rid of meal swipes. 


Q: What do you love/hate about living on campus? 

M: The five minute walk around campus and the small classes are a plus. Having a small campus in nice weather isn’t the best but a small campus in bad weather is great. 


Q: What’s your favorite past time activity? 

M: Gym – deadlift 180, squat 142, bench 115 and shoulder press 85. I like weightlifting because it’s me against me.


Q: What do you hope to accomplish during your time at Adelphi?

M: After four years I would go to grad school, PA school, and hopefully learn the Olympic lifts. Oh, and a nice GPA. 


Q: Words of advice? 

M: Some people have an expiration date in your life. Let go of what is beyond your control before it ends up controlling you. If something no longer serves you a purpose or aids in your growth you should let it go. 


Q: Anything else? 


M: Chipotle is life. 



Hi HC readers! I am a senior at Adelphi University studying Communications with a concentration in Journalism. I am also a Marketing minor and am a member of various campus organizations. I will be serving as the HC Adelphi Campus Correspondent. Our chapter will keep you in the loop of all the Adelphi happenings along with college life articles written by the students for the students!   Check out our website to learn more about us and how you can become apart of the HC team at AU! Also, dont forget to check out our social media pages, also listed on the website. http://hercampusadelphi.weebly.com/