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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Adelphi chapter.
Q: What’s your year and major?
A: Freshmen Communications in Digital Media and Cinema Studies. 
Q: What are your hobbies?
A: I like to read paranormal or paranormal romance novels as well as do my own free writing my own stories. 
Q: What do you love about Adelphi?
A: The diversity!!
FUN Fact: I am currently working on my first novel.
Q: What do you wish to do when you graduate? (What are your goals)
A: I hope to become a screenwriter working either independently or in a writing room with other writers for film and/or shows and become a novelist on the side.
Q: Do you have any role models?
A: Marilyn Monroe (classic Hollywood beauty) Jennifer Lopez (small town Spanish girl from NY makes a name for herself doing what she loves to do. Dolton Trumbo (Never stopped doing what he loved even when it was incredible dangerous to be a screenwriter – or anyone in the public eye – at that time)
Q: What’s your favorite place at Adelphi?
A: I spend a lot of my time on campus at the Adelphi Underground Lounge
Q: What advice would you give to incoming freshman?
A: Honestly, it does get better. Although it may seem incredibly hard and there might be times when you just want to curl up in a ball and cry but with hard work and dedication, anything is possible. 
FUN Fact: I am adopted from Guatemala.
Q: What is your favorite memory at Adelphi?
A: Orientation – people I met in Quad (Online App – Social Media) were there and I learned more and more about my home away from home.
Q: What do you think is most important in order to have a great college experience?
A: Friends. Whenever I have a bad day or just want to sit with someone for lunch I always have a friend to be with. My friends help me with choosing classes for my major or choosing what professor is best for me – one that I can connect to.
Q: What do you look for in a partner?
A: I look for a guy that is sweet and kind and compassionate. A guy that does good things for the sake of others versus recognition.
Q: What would be the perfect date?
A: My perfect ideal date would be going to a museum in New York City or just sitting and talking at a table in Time Square. 
Q: Single or taken?
A: Single
FUN Fact: I live in the house my grandfather built.
Hi I'm Liz!! I'm currently a sophomore at Adelphi University and I study communications. I strive to become a journalist or a news reporter someday. Besides being a contributor for HerCampus and studying communications, I have a passion for martial arts and criminal justice. I also love babysitting so I obviously love kids and something I may also do is become a teacher. One fun fact about me is that  I have been studying Ju Jitsu for the past 12 or 13 years and I am currently a second degree brown belt.