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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Adelphi chapter.
Name: Jackie Ferro
hometown: Huntington, NY
major: Communication Sciences and Disorders
year: Senior
commuter or resident?: Commuter
Q. What are you involved with on campus, and do you hold any leadership positions? 
A. I have been a member of C.A.L.I.B.E.R. and N.S.S.L.H.A. since I was a freshman. I’m currently the President of N.S.S.L.H.A. :) I have also been an FCAP (Freshman Community Action PROGRAM) leader since I was a sophomore.
Q. Is there something you wish you would have gotten involved in? 
A.I am completely satisfied with what I am involved with on campus actually! I remember I ALMOST didn’t choose to be an FCAP Leader once upon a time but I’m so glad I did. It has been the best experience I’ve had at Adelphi. I have met so many amazing and supportive people through it! (S/O to my FCAP bbs <3)
Q. what’s your favorite of the campus events? why?
A.My favorite event on campus has been the Movies on the Quad hosted by SAB! I went to see the Great Gatsby last year with my friends and snuggled under blankets on the grass, it was so cute. No matter what the movie is, if it’s on the quad, I’m there! 
Q. Favorite hobby or way to relax when school things get stressful? fav comfort food?
A.Moe’s burritos (with extra guac) are definitely my comfort food. My favorite way to relax is running on my treadmill at home. I could never run at school because I always yell along to whatever I’m listening to and I tend to flail around my arms too so you’ll never see me in the fitness center!
Q. If I asked your best friend to describe you in three words, what do you think she/he would say? 
A.AHHHHH omg okay she would probably say ‘weird, confident, and logical’.
Q. what’s your favorite quote & why? 
A.My favorite quote is, “For what it’s worth: it’s never too late or, in my case, too early to be whoever you want to be. There’s no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you’re proud of. If you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.”  – Eric Roth 
This quote resonates with me so much. I was very shy and I went out of my way to not be noticed starting college. It took me a while to realize that there is no one stopping me from being myself. I had been holding back on being who I am for so many years and to finally be comfortable and confident in my own skin is very empowering. I can definitely say I am living a life that I am proud of.  
Q. What words of advice would you give to incoming students? & your fellow graduating class? 
A.Self-love is SO important. Our society is constantly telling you to be modest and reserved about yourself. If you do something you’re proud of, you should be able to say how proud you are of yourself. As long as you are not putting down others I feel like you should be able to vocalize how good you feel about yourself.
Q. If you could change Adelphi in anyway what would you change? 
A.I wish I had my own reserved parking spot on campus (preferably next to the UC). I would also change up the music they play at noon. I wanna hear ‘Fight Night’ by Migos when I walk to class!
Q. what are your plans after graduation?
A.I’m hoping to be accepted into a graduate school for speech-language pathology but if I don’t I’m getting on a plane and going to Sicily and Greece and go read on a beach.
Q. interesting fact(s)to end the article with?
– I have a red birthmark under my left eye that is constantly mistaken to be lipstick/a bruise.
– If I were a man I’d probably be Kanye West.
– Soca and Reggaeton are my favorite genres of music (Don Omar’s King of Kings album changed my life).
Hi HC readers! I am a senior at Adelphi University studying Communications with a concentration in Journalism. I am also a Marketing minor and am a member of various campus organizations. I will be serving as the HC Adelphi Campus Correspondent. Our chapter will keep you in the loop of all the Adelphi happenings along with college life articles written by the students for the students!   Check out our website to learn more about us and how you can become apart of the HC team at AU! Also, dont forget to check out our social media pages, also listed on the website. http://hercampusadelphi.weebly.com/