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Feeling Out of Place in College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Adelphi chapter.

Being at college can be hard. You’re away from your family and all your friends that you’ve known since kindergarten. You’re in an entirely new place with people you’ve never seen before and for most of us we come alone. Here are some helpful tips to get in the groove and be confortable!

1. Smile! This seems so simple but more people will come up to you and you won’t seem so scary!

2. Fake it! Pretend you’re at ease and you’ll eventually relax. 

3. Join a club or a team, anything that gets you involved! You will have some similar interests to start a conversation!

4. If you have a job, make friends with the people there! 

5. Talk in class, chances are someone sitting near you is thinking the same thing as you.

6. Reach out to your high school friends, talking to them will remind you why you make such a good friend and give you a confidence boost!

7. Call your mom! She knows you better than anyone and probably has some killer advice for you.

8. Most of all make sure you be yourself, don’t try and be what you think people like. People will like you, and those are the people you want to friends with. 

Remember that you are great and everyone else has felt the way you feel!

I am currently studying at Adelphi University. I am an International Studies major and a senior. My passions are traveling, languages, reading and wine, so drink up while you're reading my articles (21 and over of course).