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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Adelphi chapter.

Fat Talk Free Week is something that my sorority, Delta Delta Delta, has been promoting for the past couple of years.  It is a new program and it is something that grows every year.  This week, October 20th-October 24th, was Fat Talk Free Week for Tri Delta across the nation.   The week consists of Tri Delta getting the campus involved in promoting healthy body image.  There is zero “Fat Talk”. It is a fun and allows us, Tri Delta, to realize how beautiful we all are inside and out. The fact that we can take that ideology and help all of Adelphi University feel good about themselves is a great feeling.

Some awesome things Adelphi Tri Delta did this week were:  having a table that allowed you to throw away your insecurities, putting up post-it notes with inspirational quotes all over campus, and allowing people to take pictures with sayings pertaining to healthy body image.  It was a successful week for my organization and I know we are excited to continue promoting healthy body image the whole year. Adelphi, stay tuned!