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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Adelphi chapter.


Her Campus Adelphi took over the European Wax Center in Merrick last Friday, September 19th.

A “Happy Brow Hour” offered customers and students to free eyebrow waxes.

HC members had the honor of meeting the creators of Her Campus who came from Boston just for this promotional event.

After a great deal of decorating it was time for EWC to open their doors. A playlist of the most current pop-hits played over the speakers making a fun and inviting environment to people of all ages.


As customers walked in they were greeted with a table of sweets, courtesy of Baked by Melissa, Go Cakes! NYC, and Woops Macaroons. After their waxes they sipped on a “mocktail” of sprite and lemonade while waiting for a raffle to take place.

Winners walked out with a gift bag of samples from the EWC product wall.

HC members also enjoyed the perk of free eyebrow waxes and were gifted with a product. Throughout the evening a professional photographer snapped the memorable moments while HC helped facilitate the event, bonded, and brainstormed some new ideas for the chapter. The night quickly came to an end. EWC employees were thrilled with the turnout. Pink and white balloons were let go into the night sky in celebration of a job well done.

Thank you to everybody who helped host, students who attended, and students who passed the word around. This event is the first of many and we look forward to having some on campus later in the year.

Check out European Wax Center here – https://www.facebook.com/EuropeanWax

First time visitors get free waxes!

Hi HC readers! I am a senior at Adelphi University studying Communications with a concentration in Journalism. I am also a Marketing minor and am a member of various campus organizations. I will be serving as the HC Adelphi Campus Correspondent. Our chapter will keep you in the loop of all the Adelphi happenings along with college life articles written by the students for the students!   Check out our website to learn more about us and how you can become apart of the HC team at AU! Also, dont forget to check out our social media pages, also listed on the website. http://hercampusadelphi.weebly.com/    
Adelphi Campus Correspondent. Natalie is a sophomore at Adelphi University where she studies Acting and English passionately. In between her studies, she enjoys jam-packing her schedule through writing for contentBase.co, holding a chair position on the Student Activities Board and shining on the stage in school productions. She loves cats, coffee, fashion and music almost as much as she does writing. Her goal as a journalist is to inspire as many ambitious, young people, like herself, to make the most of their lives as possible.