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Campus Cutie: Nicole Jonke

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Adelphi chapter.
Year: Sophomore
Major: Biology
Hometown: North Babylon
Relationship Status: In a relationship
Her Campus Adelphi: What are some qualities you like in a significant other?
Nicole Jonke: Honest, caring, funny, smart, spontaneous
HC: What are some qualities that turn you off?
NJ: Obnoxious, inconsiderate, lying
HC: For a date: would you rather stay in or go out?
NJ: Go out somewhere
HC: What are you involved in on campus?
NJ: The Pre-professional club
HC: Is there anyone on campus/home that you look up to and admire?
NJ: I look up to my mom because she came here from Guyana and turned her whole life around, which showed me to never give up and anything’s possible
HC: If you could have dinner with anyone living or passed who would it be? 
NJ: My grandfather that I never met. He passed before I was born
HC: Food?
NJ: Eggplant Parmesan
HC: Song?
NJ: The Morning by The Weeknd
HC: Movie:
NJ: The Wolf of Wall Street
HC: Do you have any strange habits? 
NJ: I only wear black socks
HC: How would your friends describe you?
NJ: Down to earth, nice, funny, caring, always there for them
HC: What’s one thing you can’t live without?
NJ: My phone 
HC: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
NJ: In medical school 
HC: Got a random fact?
NJ: I played softball for a year
Carolyn Garcia is a Junior at Adelphi University. She was part of the Her Campus High School Journalism and Publicity Ambassador program during her junior year of high school and that opportunity was what allowed her to discover her passion of writing for media. Since then, she's become a Social Media rep for Seventeen, a Style Guru for CollegeFashionista.com, a Campus rep for Rent the Runway, a contributor for TheDaily411.com, and a Campus Ambassador for CAMBIO #BUILTBYGIRLS She's now the publicity/social media coordinator for Her Campus Adelphi, which she couldn't be more excited about. If you're interested in becoming best friends with her, you should tell her you love Taylor Swift and Chocolate Mint Tea.