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Campus Cutie: Diego Martinez

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Adelphi chapter.

Meet this week’s Campus Cutie – Diego Martinez. Diego is this year’s Adelphi King and he’s heavily involved on campus. We think he makes an awesome royal!

Year: Senior

Major: Psychology

Nationality: Ecuadorian-Chinese American

Hometown: Astoria, NY

Relationship Status: Happily in a relationship


Her Campus: Ever used a pick-up line?

Diego Martinez: I don’t think so. I’m too cheesy to use any pick-up lines that would actually work on someone!

HC: What’s your guilty pleasure?

DM: Any Marvel related movie!

HC: Favorite Food?

DM: Penne Alla Vodka with Chicken Cutlets

HC: Favorite Quote?

DM: Count your blessings, not your problems.

HC: What was the last song you listened to?

DM: “Celebrate” – Common

HC: What’s on your bucket-list?

DM: Quite a few things; but here are a few!:

1.) Skydive (how original, I know)

2.) Travel to China

3.) Learn a new language

4.) Donate $100 or more to a homeless person

5.) Be a part of a live audience of a show

HC: Congratulations on becoming this year’s Adelphi King! How does it feel?

DM: Thank you! I am overwhelmed with emotions right now, but I am truly grateful and honored to be crowned Adelphi King! It was definitely one of the more competitive and challenging, for the student body, to choose a winner. For the most part, I knew this year’s court quite well and it made it more enjoyable to partake the process. With this new title, I hope that I am able to be a positive representation of Adelphi and encourage and motivate others to get involved and to stay involved throughout their time here!

HC: What else are you involved with on campus?

DM: Quite a bit! But here are some things I am involved this year:

1.) Senior Resident Assistant in Earle Hall

2.) Treasurer of CALIBER

3.) Intern at the Bridges to Adelphi Program

4.) Student Worker in the Center for Student Involvement

HC: At any given moment, you are most likely to be found where on campus?

DM: Earle Hall RA office. I’ve been told that I live there, by many residents. I sorta do.

HC: Three words that describe you best are…

DM: Enthusiastic, happy, and easy-going

HC: Any hidden talents?

DM: I can juggle, play the piano, make bird calls, and roll my Rs pretty well!

HC: Let’s hear a random fact!

DM: I can speak two and half languages (English, Spanish and a little Italian).

Carolyn Garcia is a Junior at Adelphi University. She was part of the Her Campus High School Journalism and Publicity Ambassador program during her junior year of high school and that opportunity was what allowed her to discover her passion of writing for media. Since then, she's become a Social Media rep for Seventeen, a Style Guru for CollegeFashionista.com, a Campus rep for Rent the Runway, a contributor for TheDaily411.com, and a Campus Ambassador for CAMBIO #BUILTBYGIRLS She's now the publicity/social media coordinator for Her Campus Adelphi, which she couldn't be more excited about. If you're interested in becoming best friends with her, you should tell her you love Taylor Swift and Chocolate Mint Tea.