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7 Ways You Can Get Outside

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Adelphi chapter.

It seems that whenever us college students have free time in our busy schedules, all we want to do is close the shades, throw ourselves into bed and catch up with Netflix. Don’t get me wrong, that sounds AMAZING, but once in a while it’s nice to get outside too. Getting some sun is actually really good for our health and our sanity. If we stay in all day, we’re bound to go a little mad. What we need to do is put aside the excuses of “It’s too cold outside,” or “It’s too hot” and just go out there. I’m sorry Netflix, you’re going to have to wait because here are some ways we can spend time with nature.


1.Drink your coffee outside

Regardless of the weather, you can sit outside or take a walk as you drink your coffee. Whether it’s a hot cappuccino or an iced latte, you’ll be able to stay warm or cool depending on whichever you prefer. It can get boring having the same routine, so change it up and bring your coffee out with you!

2. Read a book outside

You probably enjoy reading while you’re snuggled up, but have you ever tried reading outside? You might enjoy it. If your neighborhood isn’t a busy one, you can enjoy the peace as you’re reading alone. Or even better take your book with you to the park and sit on the grass.  You’ll enjoy this new experience and the serenity of being out.


3. Have a picnic

Once we actually start to see spring, plan a picnic in the park with your friends. You can all bring a stereo, games, magazines for entertainment, and the food of course! This is a great way to gather all your friends together to enjoy a beautiful day.


4. Exercise outside

I find that sometimes consistently going to the gym can get a little boring. I feel great when instead I change up my routine and I get active outdoors. During the summer, sites such as http://www.nycgovparks.org/programs/recreation/shape-up-nyc offer a variety of workouts that take place in parks. There’s yoga, zumba, jogging, and even kayaking that you can do out in the open. These exercises will get your metabolism working without you realizing because of the fun you’re having enjoying the surroundings. It’s been proven just five minutes of outside activity can improve your self-esteem (woah!).

5. Be a tourist

Even though we might think we’ve been around every block of our own town or city, there actually might be more places we have yet to see. Take advantage of a nice day and go explore your city. Go visit that place with the long line, the one you always walk past, yet wonder what the big hype is about. You really never know what you might come across and if you do come across something cool, like the angel wings wall-art in NYC, don’t forget to instagram it.. and snapchat it.. and tweet it!

6. Ditch the car

Do you really have to drive to the supermarket that’s a mile away? No! Walk it or even bike it. Getting to places by car is something we always take advantage of, sure its convenient but we don’t really get to appreciate nature when we’re taking car selfies.

7. Go camping

Camping is probably the best way to spend time with mother nature. Plan a fun camping trip for you and your friends and spend a day/night out in a campsite. Try to take it up a notch and turn your phone off, that way you’ll really be all in to the experience. Camping is not only really fun, but it’s also an awesome learning experience. You’ll see the outdoors in a different light and intake all that it has to offer.

We hope you’re now pumped as ever to jump out of bed because the world won’t be waiting for you for long. You are missing out on so much more than you think by staying under the covers stalking your crush on instagram. You’re young and free, so try to really immerse yourself in all life has to offer and go have fun outside!

Carolyn Garcia is a Junior at Adelphi University. She was part of the Her Campus High School Journalism and Publicity Ambassador program during her junior year of high school and that opportunity was what allowed her to discover her passion of writing for media. Since then, she's become a Social Media rep for Seventeen, a Style Guru for CollegeFashionista.com, a Campus rep for Rent the Runway, a contributor for TheDaily411.com, and a Campus Ambassador for CAMBIO #BUILTBYGIRLS She's now the publicity/social media coordinator for Her Campus Adelphi, which she couldn't be more excited about. If you're interested in becoming best friends with her, you should tell her you love Taylor Swift and Chocolate Mint Tea.