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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Adelphi chapter.

Don’t let anything hold you back! Try and do them all!


1. Go apple picking! Climb the trees and eat as many apples as you can before you fill your bag.

2. Pumpkin picking! Try and find the largest pumpkin there is and see if you can pick it up.

3. Carve your pumpkin; make a scary face or a funny one. Just make sure it looks Halloween-y.


4. Eat apple cider donuts. I know you can get them all year round but we all know they taste best in the fall.

5. Drink warm apple cider while curled up with a blanket in front of the fire

6. Learn Thriller. You’ll be the hit of any party when it comes on and you look like a pro.

7. Try a new fall Starbucks drink! They have a new graham cracker drink, so expand beyond all the pumpkin!

8. Go to a haunted house and get scared out of your mind. Make sure you bring someone to hide behind!

9. Jump in a pile of leaves; you know nothing beats that sound.

10. Go on a hayride and get covered in hay.

11. Have a bonfire with your friends!

12. Get hopelessly lost in a corn maze and hope one of your friends has a sense of direction and some luck!

13. Dance to the monster mash. This is a classic that can’t be skipped.

14. Watch a scary movie while huddled behind a blanket with your friends.

15. Make and eat caramel apples. Sure, it might be messy but that’s the fun part!

16. Make fall cookies because cookies are good all year round!

17. Eat some pumpkin or apple pie and get in the spirit of fall!

18. Go to a Halloween party and try to have the best costume there.

19. Tell spooky stories with a flashlight to add that spooky effect.

20. Make homemade applesauce, because anything homemade automatically tastes better.

21. Visit Sleepy Hollow. Why not go see the headless horseman when we live in New York?

22. Play football with your family or friends.

23. Go on a hike while it’s still warm enough!

24. Roast pumpkin seeds. It’ll be a treat after you’ve carved your pumpkins.

25. Eat everything pumpkin-flavored under the sun.

26. Read Edgar Allen Poe and be thoroughly spooked.

27. Watch the leaves change color and fall.

28. Break out the sweaters and be comfy all the time while looking cute.

29. Strut in those new boots because who doesn’t love boot season.

30. Roast marshmallows outside by the fire.

31. Go trick-or-treating! Don’t let your age hold you back from all that FREE candy!

I am currently studying at Adelphi University. I am an International Studies major and a senior. My passions are traveling, languages, reading and wine, so drink up while you're reading my articles (21 and over of course).     
Hi HC readers! I am a senior at Adelphi University studying Communications with a concentration in Journalism. I am also a Marketing minor and am a member of various campus organizations. I will be serving as the HC Adelphi Campus Correspondent. Our chapter will keep you in the loop of all the Adelphi happenings along with college life articles written by the students for the students!   Check out our website to learn more about us and how you can become apart of the HC team at AU! Also, dont forget to check out our social media pages, also listed on the website. http://hercampusadelphi.weebly.com/