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10 Things College Girls Are Grateful For

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Adelphi chapter.

Sure, as young females, we have a lot on our plates. Balancing school, work, friends, extracurricular activities, and still trying to be (somewhat) of a sane human being is pretty difficult. We whine, moan, groan, and complain about every little thing that can or does go wrong in our daily lives, but we can be appreciative too…right? Here are 10 things that most college girls are actually grateful for. #nocomplaints



1. Any food that isn’t school food

Remember back when you still lived at home and you scrunched up your nose whenever a home cooked meal was placed in front of you at the dining table? Well those days are now nonexistent. Whether you have a chance to get off-campus to score a quick fast-food meal or actually get the opportunity to travel home for one of mom’s signature dishes -insert angels singing here-, any bite you can get that’s not affiliated with the campus is a heavenly one. Who knew Mickey D’s could taste so good?



2. Best friends or boyfriends with Netflix accounts

It’s free access to Netflix. Is that not enough said?



3. When your registration actually goes through on the first click

Okay, so maybe this doesn’t happen very often (or at all), but a girl could dream right?



4. Professors that don’t call you out for being on your cell phone in class

In a typical day of an average collegiate, there are crisises during which our girlfriends have to be able to reach us. Like what if the annual Bloomingdale’s anniversary sale is going on and our best friends need someone to give her honest opinions in the fitting rooms? We musn’t neglect our duties as fellow girlfriends. Therefore, we must be able to be reached at all times, but some professors just don’t understand. Luckily, some of them do.



5. Friends

There’s nothing to college without friends. Whether it’s for a good time out, or you are truly stressed out to the maximum and you just need someone to bring you back down to reality, the people you surround yourself with are the #1 make-or-break factor in your college experience. After all, no one really claims to enjoy college when they’re living in the corner of the library with their head buried in the books.



6. Friends with cars

One question that you should ask on your potential-friend applications is whether or not they can drive. Anybody with a license and a car is a keeper, especially if you go to school in a very suburban neighborhood such as Garden City, New York. How else will you get to the Chipotle on Nassau Blvd if none of your friends have cars? If your friends are extra kind, they’ll even give you a lift to the building on campus that you’re headed to (No shame. I’m guilty of getting a ride instead of walking 2 minutes on campus).



7. Online classes

If you go to school on an actual campus, you should totally look into whether or not your campus offers any online courses that can be taken during the semester. Online courses are a great way to fulfill your general education requirements because they save time (since you don’t actually have to physically sit in a class). You can get the work done on your own time and it’s a good way to take a lot of courses without spending hours in a classroom.



8. Lounge clothes

It’s just not realistic to expect us busy collegiates to get up an hour early every morning to do our hair, makeup, and throw on a cute outfit. Sometimes, we just got to rock the “I woke up like this ” look and cute lounge clothes are a college girl’s best friend. Whether they’re from the oh-so popular Victoria’s Secret PINK line or just from the campus bookstore, if a girl claims she’d rather be all dolled up rather than dressed down, she’s most likely lying.


9. Canceled classes 

There is absolutely no such thing as better news than an email from your professor stating that class is canceled. This is also about 10x better if that was your only class of the day or if it’s your least favorite class, ever. No, I don’t care if the star quarterback asked you to be his date to a frat party – nothing tops the news of canceled classes.


10. Finding money randomly in a pocket, purse, or discovering you have more money than expected on your meal card

Being a living, breathing college student is expensive so any random cash that happens to show up magically is more than enough reason to celebrate. After all, every penny counts, but if you happen to find quarters, you’ve really hit the jackpot. 


Sure, college is filled with brutal classes, sleepless nights, and times where every little thing seems to go wrong. But don’t forget to enjoy and appreciate the little things in life because being in college sure beats being in high school… and it DEFINITELY beats those awkward preteen middle school years.


Hey everyone! I'm Juls (yes, short for Julie), and I'm a junior biology major with a double minor in chemistry and mathematics at Adelphi University. I'm also a writer and the head of the editorial team for Her Campus Adelphi. I've been running for 6 years and am a (beginner) Bikram yoga junkie, so I guess you can say I'm also a fitness enthusiast. If I'm not out for a run or in the yoga studio, you can catch me volunteering at my local hospital, laughing with my friends while out for coffee, or tuning in for the latest episode of Dancing With the Stars. Feel free to say hi if you see me around; I'm most likely that girl with a pair of sunglasses on top of her head even if it's cloudy outside.