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The Best College Online Dating Site: DateMySchool.com

Tired of the slim pickings of the dating world at your college? Believe us, you are definitely not the only one! But, finally, there is hope for all you still-single collegiettes. It’s a website called datemyschool, and forget what you’ve heard about all other online dating sites out there, because this one is completely different, and in a really good way!

First of all, datemyschool is only for college students and alumni. You need a college email to sign up, and you have to be verified by educational databases. So right off the bat, there is a way to make sure that every user is verified – that means no fake profiles, and no creepers! The extra steps that datemyschool takes makes it the safest dating site out there. Plus, it’s free, so you aren’t just getting sucked into a monthly charge with no real hope of finding dates.

Once you’re on datemyschool, the privacy is totally customizable, too. If you are only into philosophy majors, you can make sure that only they can see you. Or, if you never want to hear an hour long rant about Freud again, just block any prospective psych major suitors! You can also filter by school and age, to make sure that the only people who can see your profile are the ones you want.

Because datemyschool is so customizable, it’s also really successful — many users land dates within 30 minutes! If you’ve been trying to find a date at college for years, what do you have to lose?!

But don’t just take our word for it, because we’re not the only ones who think datemyschool is awesome – About.com called it the “Best College Dating Site” in their 2012 reader’s choice awards. Plus, the number of users on datemyschool speaks for itself: 30% of the students at Columbia and NYU have profiles on the site!

So what are you waiting for, collegiettes? Head over to datemyschool, watch their intro video, and check it out!

This is a partner post. All opinions are 100% ours. 

Julia is a recent graduate of Johns Hopkins University, where she studied Writing Seminars and Women's Studies. She lives outside of Boston and is a Fall 2012 Editorial Intern at Her Campus. Her favorite activities are writing, drawing, and eating sushi. She also enjoys picking up new hobbies, like photography, and she's trying hard to learn the ukelele!