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The Study Abroad Rankings You’ll Actually Want to Read

Remember back when Her Campus introduced you to Abroad101 and — just as predicted — you quickly became BFFs? (Oh, stop with the thank-yous. You’re so welcome.) Well, they’ve come back with yet another reason to love their site: a top ten ranking of study abroad programs based on topics you actually care about.

View the rankings here, and wonder no more about where to go for the best food. I hear Italy calling your name. Let all your pinched pennies pay off big time. A semester at sea might be just what you need. Want to be in the place to be? Go ahead and click buy for that round trip ticket to London.

Unlike individual companies touting their own “best programs,” real students, back from their own study abroad experiences, called the shots in Abroad101’s program rankings. So, if you’re still undecided on your whereabouts for spring semester, this tool should be just the solution to that problem. Head on over to Facebook and like Abroad101 to uncover the number one destinations in each of their Top Ten categories!

Image: http://www.olacademy.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/study_abroad.jpg

Sarah Weinberg is a student at San Diego State University, Class of 2012. She is attempting to overcome her aversion to multitasking as she pursues courses in Liberal Studies, Spanish, and Journalism. Sarah has always been interested in the “behind-the-scenes” aspects of the fashion and lifestyle industry with journalism being a prominent prospective path. Now, much of the time that she should spend working on homework and writing papers is instead spent pouring through magazines and lusting over ridiculously priced shoes, impeccably styled pictorials, and the glamorous lifestyles of the cover models. It isn’t unusual to find Sarah baking (anything with a large amount of chocolate), traveling (last stop: summer abroad in Granada, Spain), playing in her closet (never too old to play dress up), or hanging out with friends and family (how cute and cliché). She is currently a Style Guru for CollegeFashionista.com and is thrilled to become a writer for Her Campus.