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Courtesy of Hotels.com

Hotels.com is Giving One Lucky Winner the Chance to Live Under a Rock – Literally

After the presidential debate last Tuesday, the words of CNN’s Jake Tapper have been circulating social media (and my psyche) to no avail. Why are his words still on my mind? Because although Tapper was speaking about the presidential debate, I truly feel that he has encapsulated 2020 as a whole. “A hot mess, inside a dumpster fire, inside a train wreck” seems like an accurate description to me. We’ve certainly had ourselves quite a year.

But, the year is not over yet! We still have 86 more days to go – and one presidential election. If that thought is terrifying, you’re not alone.

Enter Hotels.com.

The travel site has committed to providing the perfect 5-day getaway from the flaming heap of garbage that 2020 has presented itself to be: meet actually living under a rock. 

Kick it Patrick Star style in this quaint man-made cave 50 feet below ground level, so you can truly embody the phrase “living under a rock.” And the best part is this quarry-free getaway comes just in time for the presidential election. Picture yourself entering this serene abode on November 2nd (be sure to have cast your ballot beforehand!) and emerging on November 7th. Everyone you know will be asking if you’ve been living under a rock, and you know what? You can say, “Yes!”

Plus you’ll save yourself one heck of a tumultuous evening by cutting access to all cable and WIFI (if you so choose), and instead enjoying a warm cup of tea and some deep breaths as the US crumbles like the rocks above!

Hotels.com is giving away this (practically free) stay at only $5 a night to help you de-stress and wipe the slate clean.

If this sounds right up your alley, be sure to be the first person to enter at this link beginning Friday, October 9th at 9am. And if you’re not the first to enter, don’t fret, because Hotels.com will take 20% off your stay at selected hotels with the word “rock” in the name using the code UnderARock at checkout. This discount will be available beginning October 9th as well, so don’t take this opportunity for granite; your rockin’ getaway awaits!

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