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20 Empowering Instagram Captions For Women’s History Month

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Women have always been leaders in society, although the majority are still not given the respect they deserve. March was declared Women’s History Month in 1987, one of the first larger steps society has taken to honor women. There are so many ways to celebrate Women’s History Month. One of my favorite parts of Women’s History Month is seeing people celebrate and honor the special women in their lives. Female actions and words are often taken for granted. It’s important to show (and tell) women how much their constant efforts mean to you, even if you don’t have time to in the moment. 

You might be feeling the pressure to find the perfect, supportive caption for your Women’s History Month post. But don’t worry: As someone who has a list of captions in their Notes app at all times, I’ve got you covered. Whether you are planning on posting a photo dump of all the important women in your life, your soulmate, or are celebrating forgotten female leaders, I promise there is a caption to match. Check out our favorite song lyrics, empowering quotes, and beyond.

“Women are the real architects of society.”—Harriet Beecher Stowe

An ode to all of the women of the past, present, and future.

Behind every successful woman is herself.

Give women the credit they deserve!

Well-behaved women seldom make history.

This one is good for a lighthearted and fun post.

“It’s just that I’m that girl”—Beyoncé, “I’m That Girl”

Don’t mind me as I listen to every empowering Beyoncé song all month long.

“Be the woman who fixes another woman’s crown without telling the world it was crooked.”—Amy Morin

Amy Morin imparts lots of wisdom in her book 13 Things Mentally Strong Women Don’t Do.

“There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish.”—Michelle Obama

The perfect caption for a group photo with your gals.

Here’s to strong women. may we know them, may we be them, may we raise them.

This one is perfect for a photo dump of all the most important women in your life.

“Be as fearless as the women whose stories you have applauded.”—Hillary Clinton

As women, we should all constantly support each other.

Girls just wanna have fun(damental rights).

It’s simple really (or so you would think).

Empowered women empower women.

It’s the butterfly effect.

When women support each other, incredible things happen.

Let’s show them how powerful women are.

“Women belong in all places where decisions are being made.”—Ruth Bader Ginsburg

This RBG quote is so powerful. Match it with an equally powerful image.

Respect her choice, respect her body, respect her.

Respect doesn’t need to be earned by women.

We are the women we’ve been waiting for.

It all starts with believing in yourself.

Teach girls to be somebodies instead of somebody’s.

Pair this one with a powerful, creative photoshoot.

“Ladies always rise above.”—Taylor Swift, “Vigilante Shit”

Taylor Swift is just full of feminist lyrics to live by as well as daily affirmations.

“You can waste your lives drawing lines, or you can live your life crossing them.”—Shonda Rhimes

Pair with your favorite photos of you and your friends crossing those metaphoric lines.

“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”—Eleanor Roosevelt

This is a tough lesson to learn, but once you learn it, you won’t forget it.

“For most of history, anonymous was a woman.”—Virginia Woolf

Make your words count now.

“Every woman’s success should be an inspiration to another. We’re strongest when we cheer each other on.”—Serena Williams

Another one where you can feature all the monumental women in your life.

Shay Nicolay

Toronto MU '22

Shayna Nicolay has been a Her Campus National Writer since January 2023. She writes bi-weekly articles as well as covering timely content. She graduated from Toronto Metropolitan University in 2022, where she majored in journalism with a minor in graphic communications. Shayna was a contributing writer for her University's Chapter of Her Campus, and was the Editor-in-Chief of her University magazine, Folio. She also was the editorial intern for fashion content creator, Audree Kate Lopez, where she hired and managed a group of writers, ran the WordPress website, wrote and edited articles, and helped with social media copy. Shayna loves walks in nature, bingeing the newest TV show, beading jewelry, and is a mental health advocate. She loves storytelling and media, so content creation comes naturally to her. For the best memes, mental health tips, and bisexual visibility, follow Shayna @shaynicolay on Instagram and @shaynanicolay on TikTok.