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Why Obama Should Be Reading Her Campus, According to Cosmo and The Washington Post

Recently, a blogger for the Washington Post claimed that President Obama could learn a thing or two about leading the country and playing nice with Republicans (now a House majority) by reading Cosmo.  And if Cosmopolitan.com’s “Best Relationship Tips Ever” can teach Pres O how to, for example, “Instead of vetoing the bill before reading it, try reading it, then vetoing it!”—we think we have some wise words for our fearless leader, too.  Here’s some advice about bipartisanship, the economy, and the national well-being, all according to Her Campus!

The A**hole- O-Meter: The Fine Line Between Being “Too Nice Guy” and Just Being an A**hole:
You’ve got a big election coming up in a few years, and with hopefuls like Sarah Palin already signing on for (kind of ridiculous) TLC specials to prove her middle-American-ness, you need to start wooing the American people…pronto.  If you’re too nice (hope hope hope, yada yada yada) we get bored, but if you get your campaign manager to mass-text your constituents “I kinda wanna f” at two in the morning (as, we learned, some men think is an appropriate thing to do) we question your character.  Find a balance, because no one wants a “too nice” or “A**hole” Prez.

Beyond Just Sticks and Stones—When Words Hurt: Emotional Abuse in Relationships

I know you were probably just schmoozing the rich old people when, at a July fundraiser for Senatorial candidate Harry Reid, you said, “I mean, look, Harry Reid’s opponent doesn’t just believe in these old, worn-out theories. On a lot of these issues, she favors an approach that’s even more extreme than the Republicans we got in Washington. (Laughter.) That’s saying something. (Laughter.) That is saying something.”  But words can hurt, Obama. Want the Republicans to hold your hand and skip around the Mall?  You’ve gotta remember that, like we reported earlier this month, “abusive relationships don’t always mean physical violence. Verbal, or emotional abuse, can be just as harmful, and sometimes more so, than physical abuse.”   Next time try a softer approach, maybe something that begins with an “I feel…” statement.

THE HC TEAM WEIGHS IN: Money Saving Tips for Collegiettes™:
Our economy sucks.  Sorry.  But it’s true.  Maybe instead of bailing out big banks, playing around with complicated tax logarithms, and hiring a team of fancy economists to theorize exactly how and when the world is going to end, you could read this article and learn how to pinch a few pennies, the good old-fashioned way.  Listen to Rachel Peterson, a student at James Madison University: “I work part-time on campus and I have something huge to save for so I take half of every paycheck and put it immediately into savings! That way I still have money in my checking account and the other half is already put away without worries of blowing all the money I just got paid.”  Brilliant….start saving money.

THE HC TEAM WEIGHS IN: Our Study Secrets Revealed!

Meagan Templeton-Lynch, a student at Colorado State, shared, “My secret: [I study in] The library or a study room — really anywhere except my own place (I live in a house but this applies to dorm rooms, too). I cannot focus late at night when my bed is within sight…I go somewhere beyond my sleeping space to study.”  Blame our founders for the ultimate manifestation of this common college problem: Obama lives, works, plays, eats, parties, meets, breathes, and, of course, sleeps in the White House.  So, Barack, HC officially encourages you to read this article, step outside and smell the cherry-blossoms.  Maybe you’ll actually get some work done.  (We hear Georgetown Cupcakes has Wifi!) 

When You Don’t Have Time For Lunch: The Best & Worst Meal Replacements: Although this has less to do with politics and more to do with the fact President Obama is really, really busy, we think he should make time to read this article.  Shooting hoops with giggling reporters, waving for extended periods of time, killing flies during interviews, and leading the free world can be draining.  So eat up, Pres O!  Can we interest you in a Luna Bar?

Rachel Peck is a senior at Barnard College, Class of 2012, where she is majoring in English and Theatre and minoring in Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. Although she admits to actually enjoying high school in her hometown of Bexley, OH, her favorite thing to do is explore her new--slightly more exciting--home, New York City. When she isn't watching good (and bad...) TV, finding excuses to plan dinner with friends, window shopping, or napping, Rachel enjoys working for the Barnard admissions office, serving on her sorority's various boards, and writing for whoever will read it.  You can also follow her on Twitter (@peckrachel) if you're into that.