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Want To Go Green(er)? These 6 Sustainability TikTokers Will Help You

April is Earth Month, a time of the year that is dedicated to spreading environmental awareness and highlighting issues that affect our planet, such as climate change and global warming. While it’s super important to be striving to be eco-friendly all year long, April is the perfect time to start your sustainability journey by educating yourself on the different ways to be conscious of the environment and live a life that is more green. After all, we all only have one Earth, and combating environmental threats in order to protect this planet is very important. 

There are so many different ways to be sustainable, though, and it can be overwhelming to try to figure out where to start — especially for college students who may have limited resources or access to eco-friendly solutions. If you’re interested in learning more about the different categories of eco-friendliness  and ways we all can be more sustainable, then following some sustainability TikTokers is the perfect way to get your feet wet and learn from people who implement sustainability into their lifestyle every single day. 

Here are six sustainability-focused content creators on TikTok who provide great eco-friendly tips and tricks for college students that will have Mother Nature saying thank you.

Niharika Elety (@nihaelety)


#stitch with @ufodelaney Micro-trends and overconsumptive haul culture fueled by social media have left us with the feeling that items 6-12 months old are “outdated” How do we reframe this thinking? Rejecting this culture and creating personal style 💚🌿 #sustainablefashion #haul #thrifthaul #microtrends #fastfashion #overconsumption #personalstyle #sustainability #climatecrisis #fashiontiktok

♬ original sound – Niharika Elety

Niharika Elety is a content creator who talks about regenerative sustainability, focusing her content on sustainable fashion. They are a fashion designer and founder of their own fashion brand called Tega Collective. 

Sabrina Pare (@sabrina.sustainable.life)


the #squarefootgardening offers a number of benefits for both beginner and experienced gardeners. They are space efficient, easy to maintain, reduce pests, and tend to require less weeding and watering 💃 #gardening #gardening101 #gardeninghacks #gardentok #beginnergardener #raisedgardenbeds #earthmonth #sustainableliving #gardeningtips #ecotok #gardeningforbeginners

♬ original sound – Sabrina

Sabrina Pare is a full-time content creator (and self-described “sustainable big sis”) who wants to show others how to make simple changes to live a more sustainable life, emphasizing that it’s OK to not be perfect when it comes to sustainability but to always strive for progress. Her content covers different sustainability topics such as beginner gardening, reducing food waste, composting, simple living, community activism, minimalism, and more.

Brennan Kai (@brennan.kai)

Brennan Kai specifically talks about sustainable food and how we can eliminate food waste and create meals that are not only great for us and our planet, but also our wallet, as a lot of her meals are extremely budget-friendly (which is honestly perfect for college students). Plus, her birthday actually falls on Earth Day, which is so appropriate! 

Olivia Antoinette (@careeroutdoors)


Entry level jobs and internships! These ones get your outside or working for badass organizations #ecotok #greenscreen #livelaughlove

♬ original sound – Olivia Antoinette

Olivia Antoinette works to give advice on how to find outdoor and environmental-related jobs. She also provides career advice for college students through videos in which she gives tips on interviews for internships and has videos with weekly outdoor and environmental job roundups. 

Chelsy Christina (@chelsychristina)


Americans throw out more than 12 million tons of furniture every year. I originally started designing my home with secondhand furniture to avoid contributing to that statistic, but now I’ve fallen in love with the process of sourcing secondhand and designing a home that’s one of a kind. #secondhandhome #secondhandfurniture #sustainablehome #fastfurniture #secondhandhomedecor #thriftedhome #vintagehome

♬ original sound – Chelsy Christina

Chelsy Christina is a secondhand interior designer who focuses on sustainable style. She has videos on secondhand shopping that explain why shopping secondhand for furniture is incredibly important — and accessible at all budgets!

Tara Ratcliffe (@gardeningwithtara)

Tara Ratcliffe uses her platform as a way to showcase her gardening and use it as a gardening journal. She harvests the food from her garden to make meals and shows how to use the plants to make different foods. Talk about having a green thumb!

Courtney Lemkin is a National Contributing Writer for Her Campus. She writes life and career content on the site including advice on academics and more. She is a recent graduate of St. John's University where she majored in communication arts and minored in English. During her time at St. John's, she was the vice president of the campus' multimedia organization and also has previous experience writing for College Magazine. She later became an editor, social media coordinator / newsletter editor, and eventually worked her way up to holding the position of editor in chief. In her free time, Courtney enjoys anything related to the arts and loves going to see Broadway plays.