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Storm Reid \"Study With Me\"
Storm Reid \"Study With Me\"
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Storm Reid Uses This “Essential” Study Method In College

Let’s face it: midterm season is a stressful time for college students. The days are mainly spent in the library, the classroom, or your local coffee shop, preparing for an upcoming exam or finishing assignments for hours. Studying can be a difficult task in and of itself, especially when you don’t have the perfect studying method to complement your routine. Actress Storm Reid can completely relate. “Self-care while you’re studying is important. So the Pomodoro Technique is very essential for me in my studying now,” Reid says in an exclusive interview with Her Campus. 

Reid teamed up with Apple to create a Study With Me video to assist students around the world during intense study periods, like midterms and finals. In the video, Reid introduces viewers to the aforementioned Pomodoro Technique — a time management study approach in which you work in 25-minute intervals with a five-minute break in between each work cycle. “The Pomodoro [Technique] was introduced to me when I [started] watching the Study With Me videos. So I wanted to use it for my [own] study video,” she shares. “I think it’s just a great way to prioritize what you need to get done.” 

The Study With Me video follows Reid as she works on her MacBook while listening to lo-fi tracks in the background. (Apple has even designed a coordinating music playlist to get you in the mood to study!) Reid’s video also includes a new Afrobeats single by Mr. Eazi, called “Fefe Ne Fefe,” and gives viewers a glimpse into some of Reid’s favorite relaxation techniques, such as prepping her favorite snacks and some stretching exercises. “Of course, study, but taking breaks is important, [as is] giving your mind a little rest, stretching out your body, or whatever you do to take five minutes for yourself,” Storm says. 

While experimenting with different study approaches can be a great motivator in your academic studies, Reid emphasizes the importance of giving yourself grace when it’s tough to stay focused on specific activities. “Some study days are going to be better than others,” she says. ”And you know that you have to [get] certain things done, but don’t beat yourself up if you need to pick up your phone, or if you want to listen to a couple songs and have a 10-minute break rather than a five minute break, or an hour break if you need it.”

Reid is a full-time actress as well as a junior at the University of Southern California, where she’s studying Dramatic Arts with a minor in African American studies. She emphasizes not only the versatility that comes with both the major and minor that she’s pursuing, but also the significance of it in her identity as a Black woman. “I want to know more about my history, my ancestors, and the people who paved the way for me to be in the space that I’m in today,” she says.

Reid also says learning Dramatic Arts has helped her in her career pursuits. “Yes, it’s something that I already do, but I’m always looking for new ways to hone my craft, and even listen [to] or learn other techniques or aspects from professors that they give in class or give in lectures,” Reid explains.

Though Reid is a student, she is also fully engaged in her acting and filmmaking career, and while managing both seems practically impossible to the typical person, Reid emphasizes the importance of scheduling. “It’s a challenging task, trying to balance everything,” she admits. “But both my education and furthering my career [are] equally important to me. So it’s just really about … being able to figure out what I need to do and when I can do it, and making it all fit together.” 

In balancing her work-school life, Reid also knows when to make time to authentically live the college experience and enjoy the many social gatherings that college has to offer. “The people I’ve met have been very special to me, while I’ve been able to create a group of friends, we all understand each other and support each other,” she says. “They’re really my true friends, and I’m grateful for those connections.” 

Outside of the parties and football games, Reid also makes an effort to participate in the extracurricular activities the school provides. “I like to be heavily involved on campus when I can,” Reid shares. “So whether that’s showing up to school events or showing up to group meetings, when I have the chance, I like to be involved in all aspects other than just social things.”

If Reid has one piece of advice for freshmen who are just starting out in college, it’s this: “I think freshmen come into it with a little bit more relaxation than needed,” she laughs. “So I chose to study and [not] procrastinate, because once you fall behind, it’s really hard to catch back up. And have fun. I think it’s also a really pivotal year in young adult life, where you’re figuring out who you are, what you want to be, what you want to do, [and] what you like.”

Siobhan Robinson is a member of the Her Campus national writing program. She works on the Entertainment and Culture team, covering the most recent pop culture events, trends, and entertainment releases. Previously, she worked as an Entertainment and Culture intern during the Spring 2023 semester, where she was supervised in writing breaking news verticals, live coverage of events such as the Grammys and Met Gala, and interviewing emerging Gen Z talent for Her Campus's "Next Questions" segment. She graduated Magna Cum Laude in Spring 2024 with a B.A. in Communication Studies from San Jose State University and received communication honors for completing a graduate-level course during her undergraduate studies. While in college, she was an active member of the SJSU chapter of Her Campus, serving on the executive board as Editor-In-Chief. In this role, she supervised a team of writers, senior editors, and copy editors, and assessed their articles for the site. Previously, she served as a senior editor, supervising a team of 4-5 writers, and also worked as a campus correspondent for the entire chapter. Additionally, she contributed to the school's publication magazine, Access, and became a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated. In her free time, Siobhan enjoys scrapbooking, hanging out with friends, going to concerts, and, of course, writing for fun! A die-hard fangirl, she loves sharing everything she knows about her favorite boy bands, even if you don't ask. If you need her, you'll likely find her binge-watching the latest K-drama.