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Revamp Your Diet and Eat Your Way To a Healthier You

The weather is getting warmer, and you can finally pull your spring and summer clothes out of the closet. A good way to start gearing up for the warmer months is to revamp what and how you eat. We don’t believe in diets full of restrictions and meticulous rules. But by really looking at what you put in your body you can eat your way to a healthier you. And with the help of LUNA® you’ll be set up for success.

Going on a diet might seem like the easiest way to shed some winter weight, and there are so many crazy fad diets out there, but the reality is those fads diets just don’t work for long.

But luckily for us, the nutrition experts over at LUNA have a few helpful tips on how you can shape your diet, without skimping on delicious foods.

1. Ditch the diet – Gone are the days of cutting entire foods groups, like bread or nuts – it only leads you to crave them more.

2. Munch a bunch – Small, frequent meals provide your body with a steady stream of nutrients and keep your energy levels even, which help to get you through your jam packed days and study filled nights. When you’re on-the-go, pack some healthy snacks in your bag, like the new LUNA flavor, Carrot Cake, to keep on hand when you need a little “something” in between meals.

3. Get moving – Healthy living means more than good nutrition. Regular exercise, decreased stress, and annual health exams are important in achieving optimum health.

4. Drink more water – Your body needs water to move nutrients around, cushion your joints, and feel good! Drink at least eight 8-oz. glasses of water daily.

5. Moderation, not deprivation – Say “Yes!” to that cupcake, just not every day. Allow yourself to have small servings of those decadent treats you crave.

So this spring, try something new. Do some spring cleaning for your diet and let LUNA be your guide. For more information and inspiration on staying healthy during finals, head over to LUNA.

Hannah is a senior studying journalism at Boston University.  Originally from Ohio, she loves the Ohio State Buckeyes but couldn’t be more thrilled to be living in the exciting city of Boston. When not staying busy with journalism or French classes, she can be found working out at the gym with the BU club gymnastics team, teaching swim lessons at the pool, and always drinking lots of coffee. As a member of BU’s Kappa Delta chapter, she loves being involved on campus and getting to know as many people as she can. She is so happy to have a chance to work with the Her Campus team, and she can’t wait to see what the future has in store for her!