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A New [Student-Friendly] Way to Travel: Website Review

Being the social Collegiettes™ that we are, Her Campus ladies have friends all over the place.  I’m sure you’ve been in this situation before: you want to go visit your bestie on a certain weekend at a campus that’s four hours away, and you have no idea how you’re going to get there.  Even if you have a car, paying for gas and worrying about driving alone, plus the whole parking situation can be majorly daunting. 

Luckily, a new website called Wanderu is being launched in private beta this February.  (Not to mention, they provide an addictive game to play in which the highest scores move up the list for first access to the site!) This online service allows you to compare the best ground travel options for your trip and book your ticket with only a few clicks!  Wanderu guarantees that they will find you the best price, safety, comfort, and environmental impact for your ride.  This is wonderful for busy college students, because it cuts out all of the time that would be spent searching for options and asking around.  Instead, let the Wanderu Wizard [a charmingly helpful monkey] do the work for you!  Just imagine: your friend tells you about a sure-to-be rager next weekend at her college.  Within minutes, you can have your ticket booked for a stress-free and eco-friendly way to travel there.  So next time you need to get somewhere, why fly or drive? Just Wanderu! [And you heard it first from Her Campus!]

Check out Wanderu’s site and get an exclusive invite!
Like Wanderu on facebook and follow Wanderu on twitter!
You won’t regret it.

The Wanderu Wizard has his own facebook and twitter pages, too! Follow them all for exclusive deals!

Kelsey is a junior majoring in Marketing at the College of William and Mary. She is currently involved in a telecommuting internship for Polina Fashion, where she is the PR Assistant in charge of social media. In addition, she is co-president of her school's Student Marketing Association. Kelsey strives to be the change that she wants to see in the world, and is avidly involved in organizations such as Invisible Children, STAND, and Students for Stop Hunger Now. When she finds time to relax, Kelsey loves music and being outdoors, whether at the beach or camping in the mountains. She hopes to travel the world throughout her lifetime and plans to study abroad in Budapest, Hungary this summer. Most importantly, there is nothing that Kelsey adores more than spending quality time with the people she loves.