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Ice Cream Cone
Ice Cream Cone
Amy Cho / Spoon
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Publix Shoppers Can Celebrate National Ice Cream Month with a Free Pint of Coolhaus

One could argue that July is the best month of the year – it’s warm, sunny, and it also happens to be National Ice Cream Month! Obviously, this month-long holiday should be celebrated with cheat days and an abundance of your favorite pint, but Coolhaus wants to make this month even better by giving out free a free pint to 20,000 people!

Between July 18 and 19, 2020, you can download the coupon on the Publix mobile app to redeem your free ice cream at any Publix store nationwide on a first-come, first-serve basis. However, National Ice Cream Month isn’t the only holiday Coolhaus wants to help you celebrate. As a queer-led business, this summer, Coolhaus is extending Pride with their dairy-free EnjoyMINT For All flavor. This delicious dairy-free delight can be purchased online or at any Co+Op Grocers nationwide, and 100 percent of the proceeds from each sale will be donated to The Okra Project, an organization that works to end the struggles faced by Black transgender people across the globe. 

“Pride is at the heart and soul of  Coolhaus. We go to work every day to make amazing desserts for anyone who craves luxurious treats, but also to bring awareness to equality and love— as an LGBTQIA+ founder, that is core to our mission,” Natasha Case,  Coolhaus  CEO and co-founder, said. “EnjoyMINT  For All is our latest way of saying we see  you,  we celebrate you and we stand with you, especially during this tough time.”  

So make sure to redeem your free treat, if you can, and support the Black trans* community with a pint (or more) of EnjoyMINT For All either way! I know that’s the way I want to spend my National Ice Cream Month!

Elizabeth Karpen

Columbia Barnard '22

Lizzie Karpen is 2022 graduate of Barnard College, the most fuego of women’s colleges, who studied Political Science and English with a concentrations in Film and American Literature. To argue with her very unpopular opinions, send her a message at @lizziekarpen on Instagram and Twitter. To read her other work, check out Elizabethkarpen.com.