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Lose the Freshman 15: Three pounds lighter and feeling awesome!

Today was my week four weigh-in and I’m definitely starting to see more results. Last week I set a goal of losing 3 pounds and I did it! I’m down to 132.5, bringing my total weight loss to 5.5 pounds.

Without distractions like formal, my birthday and spring break, it was much easier to lose weight. Three pounds is a lot to lose in one week for a college student, so I’m really proud of my success. I made several changes that I think really helped me to see a lower number on the scale, but there are still some more things I could be doing better.

What Helped

Cardio Champ: This week I didn’t miss a single work out. The Jump Start Diet only requires that you do cardio five days a week, and I did all five, plus an extra! I think my more consistent gym attendance is a big reason for why I’m starting to see a difference, not only on the scale, but in the mirror. My stomach is looking a little flatter and my arms are a little more toned. I can’t wait to see the changes to come!

Home Cooking: I stuck to my plan to cut out restaurants and cook food at home (for the most part) and I think this made a huge difference. Being in control of how many calories go into a dish is seriously beneficial for any dieter. I also avoided huge restaurant portions by cooking at home. The only time I broke this rule is when Max and I went on a date on Saturday at Seven Saints in Champaign.  We had a pita and hummus appetizer and I ordered a turkey slider and cup of soup for myself. It was a relatively healthy meal and the portions weren’t out of control since the turkey burger was mini and we split the appetizer.

Future Changes

Virgin Drinks: While my drink of choice at a bar has been a vodka water lime, I’m thinking of cutting out the vodka and lime part. Yes, this means I’m going to be drinking straight-up water when I’m out (and also upping my water intake throughout the day.) Drinking a lot of water is great for weight loss, so this change should help me see even better results next week. And if I really want to see results, it’s time I be real with myself and give up alcohol — at least for the mean time. I might have one or two drinks this weekend since my mom is visiting, but nothing excessive.

Cardio Super Champ: Even though I didn’t miss a work out last week, I’ve been in my I’m-still-getting-back-into-shape-after-a-year-of-being-lazy stage. I’m going to start really pushing myself at the gym, and my plan to run 2 miles by the end of the week should help.

My goal is to lose a total of 18 pounds by the end of the ten weeks. With 6 weeks left and 12.5 pounds to go, I’m going to have to lose a little more than 2 pounds per week to meet my final goal.

This week, my goal is to lose 2.5 pounds.


Dreaming of my future bikini bod,


I am a junior studying News-Editorial Journalism at the University of Illinois. When I'm not writing and editing for HC Illinois, I work as the Features Editor of the Daily Illini. I am also the vice president of the Society of Professional Journalists on the UI campus as well as the computer chair for the Iota chapter of Delta Gamma. Writing is my passion and I hope to one day move to New York City and work for a magazine, writing feature stories and investigative pieces. I love HC Illinois because I have so much fun writing stories for collegiettes™and reading stories by my amazing peers.