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Lose the Freshman 15: Blame it on the alcohol

Welp, this weekend was a bit of a set back. I was doing great and had almost reached my goal by Thursday (I did a mini weigh-in because I was feeling great after the whole wardrobe thing happened). But I’m pretty sure that my hard work was reversed because of my weekend activities.

This weekend was Moms Weekend at U of I, and even though my mom and I spent a lot of time walking around, we spent even more time eating and drinking together. I’m obviously not going to refuse a good meal, especially with such great company (shout out Julie, Kate, Stacie, Pete and Max), but it definitely took a toll on my progress.

I tried to make healthy choices at the restaurants we went to, so I don’t think food was as much of a problem as my alcohol intake — not that I was getting very drunk, but the calories from just a few drinks really add up. That being said, I think it’s time for me to stop ignoring the fine print I found in the grocery guide section of the Jump Start Diet: Two glasses wine per week, max.

I can already tell you that tomorrow’s weigh in isn’t going to be a great one, and with five weeks left to reach my goal, it’s time that I start to get really serious. This means seriously limiting my alcohol intake.

I’ve known for weeks that this was going to have to happen, but I’ve been really reluctant to take this step. Drinking is seemingly synonymous with college culture and I don’t want to miss out on any of the fun. The end of the year is a like a last hoorah for everyone, and since my boyfriend is graduating in May, I want to enjoy these last few weeks we have at school together.

The bottom line is if I really want to lose this weight I’m going to have to consider my priorities and pick which events I really want to drink at. I absolutely don’t regret making Moms Weekend one of these priorities, but with exchanges, date events and a work bar crawl all in the next few weeks, I’m going to have to limit myself.


Socializing sober,


I am a junior studying News-Editorial Journalism at the University of Illinois. When I'm not writing and editing for HC Illinois, I work as the Features Editor of the Daily Illini. I am also the vice president of the Society of Professional Journalists on the UI campus as well as the computer chair for the Iota chapter of Delta Gamma. Writing is my passion and I hope to one day move to New York City and work for a magazine, writing feature stories and investigative pieces. I love HC Illinois because I have so much fun writing stories for collegiettes™and reading stories by my amazing peers.