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Lose the Freshman 15: Bad things come in threes

Last night was not good. It was sort of good, but for the most part (especially in respect to this blog) it was very bad. Even though most of it was fun, some poor decisions lead to bad things, and in the end, like with all good, bad nights, there were tears.

My pledge daughter Marta once told me that bad things come in threes. I googled it — turns out it’s legit and last night it proved true in my own life.  Last night lead to three pretty big set backs for my weight loss goal and I’m definitely going to have to pay for them.

1. Alcohol: Last night, against my promises and better judgment, I chose to drink. I had originally planned on staying sober for my sorority’s exchange, but it just felt wrong to be dressed up as a cheetah and not have a drink or two. Well two drinks turned into four, four turned into six and six may or may not have turned into eight — I’m not entirely sure. When it was time to leave the exchange, I was ready to rage on at The Red Lion. And that brings me to bad thing number two…

2. Sprained Ankle: Within the first two minutes of being at the bar ($5 of cover money well spent) I found my boyfriend and could not have been happier to see him. I had Max get me a drink and headed straight to the dance floor, where I found Maddie and within 30 seconds I had somehow sprained my ankle. I still don’t understand how I happened — I didn’t fall, I didn’t trip and I was wearing flats. It was throbbing and I had to hold back tears while Maddie helped me sit down. My bff Georgean and Max were there in seconds and they helped me get home. And that brings me to bad thing number three…

3. Pizza: Once I left The Red Lion, I let myself cry. My ankle was swelling up really fast and it killed. We took a taxi back to Max’s apartment, where they got me ice and figured out how to get me advil and an ace bandage at 1 a.m, while I tweeted out photos of my enormous ankle. And then, in all of my drunken pain, I demanded food. Max came back with a pizza and I ate four pieces. Woof.

Now I have a bum, swollen, dark blue ankle and I’m out of commission. This really puts a damper on my cardio plan. Unfortunately, Apple hasn’t come out with a time machine yet, so there’s not much I can do about it. If you have any suggestions about how I can still get cardio in with out having to use my right foot in any way, let me know! Leave a comment or tweet @SamGetsHealthy.


Never eating pizza again,


I am a junior studying News-Editorial Journalism at the University of Illinois. When I'm not writing and editing for HC Illinois, I work as the Features Editor of the Daily Illini. I am also the vice president of the Society of Professional Journalists on the UI campus as well as the computer chair for the Iota chapter of Delta Gamma. Writing is my passion and I hope to one day move to New York City and work for a magazine, writing feature stories and investigative pieces. I love HC Illinois because I have so much fun writing stories for collegiettes™and reading stories by my amazing peers.