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10 Jobs You Can Get As A Psych Major That Aren’t Therapist Or Social Worker

Are you curious about human behavior? What makes people tick? Then majoring in psychology might be for you. But earning your degree in psychology doesn’t mean you have to go into therapy, counseling, or any other mental-health related discipline. While these might be the most common choices, psych majors can expect to apply their knowledge to many different areas. A psychology degree can be so versatile for your post-grad life, and can be applied to many different disciplines and job opportunities. 

As a soon-to-be psych graduate, I have explored many different subfields of psychology in hopes of finding the perfect fit. My biggest advice? Take notes of your favorite areas of study during your time as a psych major, hone in on that knowledge, and make it relevant to your job applications. A psych major should know how to explain their skills, and how a company could use them. Now whether you’re just starting college or are looking for ways to use your psych degree, check out these 10 jobs you can get with a bachelor’s degree in Psychology!

Marketing Consultant

OK, Psych majors, hear me out. You went to school to specifically study why people choose to do what they do. As a marketing consultant, you would be able to use your knowledge to understand your company’s target audience. Because really, psychology is at the core of all consumer behavior. Just be able to explain your unique skills and knowledge to land the job!

Behavioral Health Technician

Was your concentration or minor in health studies? Then this position might be a perfect fit for you. Behavioral health technicians work closely with those in the medical field. These people help create treatment plans for patients, monitor their progress, and collaborate with mental health professionals to come up with treatment plans. Overall, being a behavioral health technician will involve providing care to individuals who might have developmental disorders, mental health disorders, or other conditions.

Research Coordinator

A research coordinator is responsible for assisting with research data from clinical trials and other laboratory related research. In this role, you’d most likely be supervising drug trials and other medical research. As a psych major, you most likely have experience with academic research and clinical studies, making this a great role for your skills!


For as long as I could remember, I wanted to be a writer. I chose psychology as my major during my sophomore year of college, and I don’t regret it one bit. As I’ve said before, your psychology education will encapsulate so many different things, you just have to work on those specific skills you want to improve. My education has given me a better picture of the human mind, which has helped me in my craft consciously and unconsciously. Whether you’re an aspiring novelist or soon-to-be journalist, you can use psychology in any discipline of writing.

Research Associate

Being a research associate can mean a lot of different things. Typically, a research associate is someone who can help a research scientist perform experiments, and collect and report data. Some work in the field, some solely record data, and other work to collect samples and analyze. Your best chance of landing a job in this area is to have experience in a research environment, such as a lab, during your time as an undergrad.

Human Resource Specialist

Human resource specialists work in the office setting to recruit and interview job applicants, and place newly-hired workers in jobs. As a psych major, you have the relevant knowledge to help organizations grow. There are tons of opportunities in this field, so consider becoming a human resource specialist!

Health Education Specialist

A health education specialist teaches others behaviors that promote and sustain wellness. In the day-to-day for this position, you’d be assessing the health needs of people and their communities, helping connect people to health resources, and collecting data to learn about your community’s health as a whole. These individuals work in a range of different facilities, like hospitals, public health departments, schools, and non-profit organizations. If you’re considering this position, think about taking a few public health courses during your college career.

Youth Counselor

Overall, youth counselors offer social services to children and adolescents through various counseling techniques. As a psychology major, you’d be a perfect fit for this role if you want to work with children. You can work in a variety of settings, such as at camps, schools, and daycare programs.

College or Career Counselor

Planning on staying in your college town after graduation? Search for career counseling opportunities at your university! Your psychology education will allow you to evaluate other students’ interests, skills, and abilities to offer them valuable advice and assistance in the college world.


Becoming a teacher with a degree in Psychology is different in every state, so make sure to do some follow-up research on your place of residence. However, in addition to your Bachelor’s degree in psychology, you can complete a state-approved teacher preparation program in order to start the process of becoming an educator. In most places, you can pass all of your required teaching exams, pass a certification, and apply for your first teaching job!

Madison Bailey

App State '23

Madison Bailey is a national writer at Her Campus Media focusing on all things style, beauty, and lifestyle. She works closely with the style and lifestyle verticals at Her Campus, including reviews, roundups, sustainable style, and pop-culture. After graduating from Appalachian State University in May 2023 where she was Campus Coordinator of Her Campus at App State, Madison has written for Teen Vogue, Modeliste Magazine, Global Garbs, and more. Her time as Head Writer for The Collective Magazine, Appalachian State’s fashion and culture magazine, sparked her passion for the exciting world of fashion. She is currently in marketing at Modeliste Magazine where she’s able to celebrate her favorite things; fashion, beauty, celebrities, influencer style, and travel. In her free time, you can find Madison soaking in all the beauty that the blue ridge mountains have to offer. Or, when she’s not writing, you can find her thrifting, sipping a raspberry matcha, or cooking her favorite vegan meals!