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10 Tweets That Are Too Real for Students Struggling Through Finals Week RN

Final exams season is here (too soon, it feels like), and you are probably beginning to feel the tension on campus. Luckily, you are not alone! Students all over the country are likely experiencing the same amount of anxiety. Even in stressful times, it’s important to understand that one bad grade doesn’t define you.

Take a quick break from studying and check out these extra relatable tweets about finals week that will make you feel sooo seen rn. 

When it hits you that finals are approaching. 

When it’s the the week before finals, but your professors are still testing you on old material.

When finals exams also includes papers, portfolios, and projects. 


When your professor’s expectations aren’t clear.       

When all of your work piles up and you begin to question the entire system of education. 

When you start bargaining. 

When the only way to cope is to reflect on “better times.” 


When you’re just holding out for the holidays.


When the post-finals feeling hits. 


When you get your grades back. 

While college is supposed to be fun and lighthearted, there is also a lot of hard work that goes into it. Our generation has a huge advantage though, because even in our most stressful times, we can always turn to Twitter to get us through.

Lauren is a Journalism and Mass Communication major at The George Washington University. When Lauren isn't writing for HerCampus or an on-campus publication, you can find her listening to Post Malone, stalking Corgi instagram accounts, or searching for the perfect everything bagel!