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Life > Experiences

Collegiette Eats: Repeat Offender

Sick of eating cereal and ramen for lunch and dinner? Want to spend less money eating out and finally start cooking for yourself? Put down that frozen pizza, because HC’s Health Editor, Sammie Levin, is here to share her daily eats so you can get ideas for healthy, satisfying meals that are easy enough for any time-strapped collegiette to make. After you read Collegiette Eats, your taste buds, wallet and waistline will thank you.


Do you ever find that some days you eat exactly the same things you ate a different day? I’m definitely guilty of being a repeat offender when it comes to what I eat, especially for breakfast – if you’ve been reading Collegiette Eats for a while, you’ve probably noticed how I often I have my favorite bowl of oatmeal. Spoiler alert: that’s exactly what I had for breakfast yesterday. I can’t get enough of it. If there’s ever a day that I get sick of this oatmeal, that will be a very very sad day. Just in case you’re not sick of hearing about it, it’s oatmeal made with almond milk, bananas (microwaved with the oats so that the slices get warm and almost melt, making the oats thicker and creamier), almond butter, cinnamon, ground flaxseed and honey. 


When lunch rolled around, I was in the mood for something fruity and refreshing, so keeping with the repeat offender theme, I made a green smoothie. I blended together one cup of frozen peaches, a half cup of frozen pineapple, a big handful of spinach, a third of a cup of almond milk, a third of a cup of pineapple-flavored coconut water, a half cup of plain Greek yogurt and a tablespoon of ground flaxseed. 


I stayed a repeat offender for dinner. I went to Sadako, a Japanese restaurant on campus that I’ve featured on here before, with some friends. I got the same salad I got last time: a house salad with avocado and raw tuna and salmon with ginger dressing. Still not over how good ginger dressing is; I’m obsessed. We also got a bunch of sushi rolls for the table to split. I went for a few pieces of rainbow roll and caterpillar maki, which are two of my favorites. I also really like spicy tuna, but we got spicy sauce on the side, so I dipped my rolls into that for the same effect. Nothing better than sushi with your girls, am I right? 

Sammie is a student at the University of Michigan where she is pursuing a BBA. A foodie since birth, she enjoys cooking, eating, smelling, looking at, photographing, reading about, and playing with any and all types of food. Her idolization of culinary delights is complemented by her active spirit- she enjoys running, swimming, barre classes, and even spontaneous bursts of interpretative dance if the mood strikes her. She has completed two triathlons and a half-marathon and plans to tackle more races in the future. She also dreams of traveling the globe, saving the world, and marrying James and/or Dave Franco.