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Collegiette Eats: 7 Must-Haves for a Healthy Spring Break

Sick of eating cereal and ramen for lunch and dinner? Want to spend less money eating out and finally start cooking for yourself? Put down that frozen pizza, because HC’s Health Editor, Sammie Levin, is here to share her daily eats so you can get ideas for healthy, satisfying meals that are easy enough for any time-strapped collegiette to make. After you read Collegiette Eats, your taste buds, wallet and waistline will thank you.

No matter where you’re headed, if you’re traveling over spring break, it can be tough to maintain a balanced diet. Unless you’re going to Canyon Ranch or something, in which case, your life rocks. With a different schedule, little control over what you’re eating, excessive drinking and a lack of sleep, you may find it challenging to stay healthy over break. But it’s not impossible! Slipping these seven goodies into your suitcase can help you out. I’m currently in Argentina for break and I brought a few of these since they are my go-to travel snacks, and they’ve definitely come in handy. 

1. Single-Serve Nut Butter

You may luck out and be at a hotel or resort where the breakfast has a ton of healthy options, like an omelet bar or oatmeal with fresh fruit. But if you find yourself at a place with a skimpy continental breakfast or no breakfast at all, you’ll want to come prepared. You may be inclined to skip breakfast (or just sleep through it) altogether over spring break, but your best bet is to start the day off with a mix of protein and fiber to get you going. 

Having single-serve packets of nut butter will come in handy because you can spread it on a piece of fruit or toast or stir it into some yogurt for a quick breakfast or snack. It’s a better alternative than butter or cream cheese because it’ll give you a boost of protein and healthy fats that will help get you through the day without any bloating on the beach. Sound good? Justin’s and Barney Butter make a variety of different nut butter “squeeze packs” that you can find at Whole Foods or order online. 

2. Chia Shots 

You may think you’re already going to have enough shots over spring break, but I have one more kind to add to the mix: chia shots! These shots contain healthy omega-3’s (and no chance of a hangover), so you can get your superfood fix on the go. You can order them online through The Chia Co. Take a few packets and stir the seeds into your water – they’ll expand and get a gel-like consistency that makes water fun to drink. Or, nonchalantly (i.e. when no one is watching because they might think you’re a little crazy) dump one into your piña colada or daiquiri. 

3. Flax Packs 

If you want another way to get omega-3’s during spring break, these portable flax packets have your back. Flaxseed also has fiber, which is good for any digestion issues you may encounter over break. You can order these “paks” online, or maybe find them in your local supermarket. Stir a pack into a smoothie or yogurt, or sprinkle them over a salad or soup. 

4. 100-Calorie Almond Packs 


Almonds, like all nuts, can be difficult to control your portion sizes with. They are so tiny and addicting that you just keep reaching for another handful, which adds up quickly. Having a pre-packaged serving size makes it a lot easier! Emerald Nuts and Blue Diamond make 100-calorie packs in different varieties. They’re super easy to throw in your bag, so go nuts (see what I did there?). 

5. Emergen-C

We’re all well aware that a week in Cabo, PV, PCB and the like may not leave you feeling your best by the end of it. Partying, not sleeping enough and being surrounded by tons of college kids means prime conditions for getting run-down or sick. So ward off the germs with some good ol’ Vitamin C. Take a few packets of Emergen-C to mix into your water bottle. A packet a day keeps the doctor away… maybe? 

6. Crystal Light Packets 

Another good drink mix-in to bring is sugar-free Crystal Light packets. If you’re somewhere where you don’t have a lot of control over what drinks are available, having these packets on hand means you’ll always have a low-calorie chaser to fall back on if the only other options are sugary soda, punch or juice. At just five calories per eight ounces, these packets will help you ensure that your pre-spring break gym efforts don’t go to waste. Plus, you have to mix it into water, so they’ll also help you stay hydrated, which is especially important while drinking in the sun. 


If you find yourself really hungry in between meals, you don’t want to have to resort to whatever you can get your hands on, which probably won’t be the healthiest fare. Pack a few LARABARs, which are all-natural bars made from fruit and nuts, for those times when you need a more substantial snack or a light breakfast. They come in a bunch of tasty flavors – my favorites are Chocolate Chip Cherry Torte and Peanut Butter Cookie. You can find them at Whole Foods and other health foods stores, and some regular supermarkets. 

Spring break is only a little over a week long, so if your diet takes a hit, then it’s really not the end of the world. But if you come prepared, you’re more likely to be able to stay on track, so pack some or all of these items for a healthier break! You didn’t put in double the time at the gym for nothing! 

Sammie is a student at the University of Michigan where she is pursuing a BBA. A foodie since birth, she enjoys cooking, eating, smelling, looking at, photographing, reading about, and playing with any and all types of food. Her idolization of culinary delights is complemented by her active spirit- she enjoys running, swimming, barre classes, and even spontaneous bursts of interpretative dance if the mood strikes her. She has completed two triathlons and a half-marathon and plans to tackle more races in the future. She also dreams of traveling the globe, saving the world, and marrying James and/or Dave Franco.