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6 Things You Should Always Pack for a Beach Getaway, According to a Vacay Expert

This article has been syndicated from The Teen Runway, an InfluenceHer Collective Member. Read the full post here.

So, you’re prepping for your next vacay by the water (or at least dreaming of a vacay). When it comes to the planning process, you’ll want to be thinking about all the must-visit landmarks and cute local shops by the sea, not the long laundry list of items you’ll need to pack.

Lucky for you, as someone who loves a good beach vacay as much as the next person, I’ve got your back with a refined checklist of beach bag essentials. Whether you’re hitting up Santa Monica or South Padre, you’ll want to be sure you have all of these must-haves by your side. 

Sunscreen, sunscreen, and more sunscreen

As someone who gets a sunburn after standing outside for ten minutes, I can’t say enough about how important sunscreen is! Not only will it keep your delicate skin from getting painful sunburns, but it will also prevent premature aging and skin cancer. The best way to prevent these terrible conditions is to use a sunscreen with a high SPF and reapply every 80 minutes. Sunscreen is arguably the most important product in this list of beach essentials.

A cute beach towel

The second essential: a soft beach towel with a cool design! Not only will you look beautiful lounging in paradise, but you’ll also protect yourself from gritty sand (better left for under your toes). Trust me, your towel will be your BFF after swimming for a good 30 minutes.


Protect those beautiful eyes with a pair of chic sunglasses! Sunlight can damage your eyes, so it’s always a good idea to carry a good pair of polarized sunnies with you (plus, they make an outfit go from 60-100 in a second). 


The beauty of beach sandals is that you can wear them literally everywhere during your vacay. We love a versatile piece!

Reusable water bottle

No one likes trash in the ocean but everybody has to drink. That’s why a reusable water bottle is going to be your right-hand-man when you get down to the shore. Try choosing a beautiful bottle to store your water in (it has to be cute if it’s going in my beach bag).

A cover-up

No one wants to sit in a restaurant in nothing but a soaking wet swimsuit. That’s why cover-ups are a must-have for the complete beach day. They cover the swimsuit while making you look like the beach babe goddess you are!

When it comes to your vacay, having your essentials nailed down makes it so much easier in your packing process. Now all that’s left to do is plan your itinerary, AKA the fun part!

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Her Campus Influencer Community Associate Part-Time Blogger and Vlogger at sophiahlu.com Passionate about life, food, travel, fashion, interpersonal relationships, and general life improvement articles