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8 Dos and Don’ts for the End of Senior Year of High School

That old cliché “So close you can almost taste it,” has never seemed so true. High school graduation is only a month or two away and you probably aren’t the only senior dreaming of summer getaways and college adventures. But before you throw your textbooks out the window and decide to fake sick the rest of your high school career, take a second to read Her Campus’s list of dos and don’ts. We’ve got everything you need to know about how to make the rest of your senior year amazing. 

DO take pictures of any school events or times you hang out with friends. “Spring of senior year, I brought a disposable camera with me everywhere. With the prospect of graduation and university coming up soon, everyone was a little more wild and spontaneous than their usual selves. I made sure to capture it!” said Kristen Pye, HC Contributing Writer and a student at McGill University. You can even make a scrapbook out of the pictures you take this summer, or upload the appropriate pictures to an album onto Facebook!
DON’T stressout over the small stuff. The end of the school year can be crazy, and with final exams and last-minute college details to worry about, it can get overwhelming. But try to take it in stride and take a couple deep breaths before you start freaking out. Missing an application deadline, forgetting a homework assignment, or not having anyone to write a recommendation letter for you all falls under “don’t stress” category. Chances are if you think through possible solutions and discuss it with your parents or guidance counselor, you can fix it.
DO pull a senior prank (within reason). You’re a smart girl, pre-collegiette; you know what’s acceptable and what’s out of line. But if you do want to do something fun and crazy, go big! “My friends and I talked to our school’s principal and were able to get the whole senior class involved in a flash mob during Convocation. It was a lot of fun, and now the underclassmen can brag about how cool the class of 2011 was!” said Alexandra Court, a student at The College of William and Mary.
DON’T go to a school event drunk. This is a no-brainer, pre-collegiettes. Not only are you underage, but since you haven’t officially graduated yet you could have some serious repercussions coming your way, including not walking across the stage at graduation or being barred from prom. Plus, you might want to use your high school teacher or principal as a reference in the future, and the chances of them giving you a kick-ass recommendation are slim to none if you show up to prom wasted.
DO let go of grudges. Definitely easier said than done, but you’ll be surprised at how good you feel after you let go of all the drama. Ask an old friend that you lost touch with due to a fight years ago to go to lunch, and try to patch things up.  “Chances are, you’re not going to see most of the people from high school ever again. Instead of holding on to your hatred for those nasty mean girls, just drop your grudge and focus on having fun!” said Kelsey Mulvey, HC Contributing Writer and a student at Boston University.
DON’T ignore homework. “Even though you may have already been accepted to a university or college by now, don’t forget that if your grades get worse, they can revoke your acceptance!” said Courtney Kabbes, HC Campus Correspondent at Indiana University. Get your friends together and have a study night once a week, so you can all hang out and keep your grades up.

DO make a bucket list! Think of everything that you’ve always wanted to do at school but haven’t for the last four years. Now is that time! Asking out the boy of your dreams or singing in the talent show are some easy examples. And don’t forget it make it about you; don’t worry about what other people think.
DON’T go Facebook crazy. This counts in more ways than one. “Don’t friend everyone on your class of 2016 Facebook group for your respective college, it’s a little creepy,” said Briana Thompson, former Her Campus High School Publicity Ambassador now at the University of Pennsylvania. See Facebook Ettiquette for pre-Collegiettes.

Jessica Salerno is a senior Magazine Journalism major at Ohio University and originally from Westerville, Ohio. In addition to writing for Her Campus Jessica also writes for the Her Campus Ohio University Branch and plays club soccer. She has an obsession with online shopping and candy, and loves to hang out with her family. Jessica hopes one day to have a career in online or magazine journalism.