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Whether you just graduated from high school or you’re approaching the end of your college career, every collegiette can still recall those carefree high school days when acing our SATs and making our curfew were our greatest concerns.  Here are just a few of the things that we miss from our years in high school.

1. Beautifying the inside of our school locker…

…and when our friends would decorate the outside for our birthdays.

2. Always knowing exactly where to sit at lunchtime.

3. Taking easy classes like art class,

theater class,

…and home economics.

4. Our high school metabolism.

5. Breaking the school dress code.

6. How cool it felt when you first got your license. 

7. Throwing house parties when our parents were away for the weekend. 

8. Getting a home-cooked meal at night.

9. The school talent show.

10. Prom…

…and coming up with creative ways to ask our dates to prom.

11. Getting excited about summer break.

12. Having sleepovers.

13. Having minimal homework…

14. …and little responsibility.

High school may be over now, but we’ll always cherish those high school memories.

Corinne Sullivan is an editorial intern at Her Campus. She is in her senior year at Boston College, majoring in English with a Creative Writing Concentration. On campus, she cheers at football and basketball games as part of the Boston College Pom Squad and performs as a member of the Dance Organization of Boston College. She also teaches spin classes at the campus gym and contributes to the BC branch of Her Campus. Corinne loves the beach, all things chocolate, and is unashamed of her love for Young Adult Fiction. You can follow her on Twitter at @cesullivan14.