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Wellness > Health

Lose the Freshman 15: Meet Nicole E, University of Michigan ’15



Now that I have your attention, I’d like to take a moment to introduce myself. Hey everyone, my name is Nicole Echeverria. I am a sophomore at the University of Michigan (GO BLUE!), potential economics major, and I have been fortunate to be selected as one of the Lose the Freshman 15 bloggers! I will be documenting my journey to finally lose weight, and I want to share it with all of you. First, I think you all should know how I gained my freshman 15.

AGE 0: born 8 pounds, healthy, and cuter than you
      4: broccoli is the devil, still at normal weight
      6: mother introduces me to chocolate, PB&Js, and Spanish food
   7-8: DOESN’T
 9-10: STOP
10-11: EATING
    13: reaches height of 5’3, baby fat turns into regular fat
    18: begins freshman year at college #1, excited, looking good
18-19: all-nighters and what’s the gym and whoa pizza tastes better at 3am and frat basements and oh shiitake mushrooms my grades and OMG HOWDIDIGAINTHISMUCHWEIGHT?!

No really, that last part actually happened. Now,  my weight is around 133lbs and my not-in-shape-whatsoever self looks like this: *warning: feel free to shield your eyes*

Yeah, even though it’s my bad habits I’d like to blame the Michigan cold for keeping my body in hibernation mode.

Luckily for me, I’ve decided to follow SELF’s Drop10 Diet to finally give me the push I needed to lose weight and embark on a healthier future. I’m actually looking forward to seeing how I’ll be adapting the Drop10 Diet recipes to fit my own lifestyle, because as most collegiettes know, most dining halls are limited to catering to the pizza-fanatic and sugar-bomb crowd rather than the health and fitness nut. The nearest gym is about a 3 second walk from my dorm room, so the daily workouts should not be that difficult to work into my schedule. It probably won’t be easy, but when I’m really determined to do something, I do it. Still, it helps to know that I will not be alone in my late-night cravings and too-lazy-to-get-out-of-bed struggles, and I’m looking forward to reading how the other bloggers are handling the Drop10 Diet as well. If any of you would like to join us, go here to register! It sends you each day’s recommended meals and workout right to your email inbox, which thank God it does because it’s basically become automatic behavior for me to reach for my phone to check my email before I even get out of bed in the morning.

Also, all of us Lose the Freshman 15 bloggers have joined something called DietBet. DietBet is a website that combines the fun of doing a group activity with your friends with the temptation of betting money on the winner. It’s kind of like March Madness, except there’s no chicken wings, or cute basketball players. If we’re all on a journey to lose weight, why not make some money out of it, right? It only cost $20 to be in the pool, and once you lose a measly 4% of your starting weight, you split the winnings with the other people who also lost 4%. Come lose weight with us by registering today on www.dietbet.com/freshman15. I think one of the coolest things about being a Lose the Freshman 15 blogger is that I actually have an excuse to indulge in my inner social media addict, so I will definitely be documenting my the Drop10 Diet aspects of my daily life. If you want to either live vicariously through me or laugh at my randomness and thank God you aren’t me, feel free to follow me on Twitter (@nicolecheverria), Facebook (fb.com/echeverria.nicole), Instagram (/echmysketch), and Pinterest (/echena11). There are probably some more profiles I created in like 2006, but I’ll post them at a later date if I can remember. Until next time, bye guys!

With love,

-Nicole E

student at the University of Michigan, native New Yorker and downtown nyc / pop culture enthusiast. One of the 7 Her Campus + SELF Magazine "Lose the Freshman 15" bloggers!