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Watch This Woman Transform Into Years Worth of Disney Princesses

YouTube musician and fairy tale connoisseur Evynne Collins has made all of our dreams come true with her most recent Disney compilation. Her video, which features everything from the earliest Disney princesses to today’s heroines, shows just how much the Disney stars have transformed over the years. Oh, and she NAILS all our favorite Disney songs.

From Snow White singing about waiting for her prince to Elsa belting out lyrics about coming into her own, you can certainly see the difference between the older princesses and these modern-day women. Nonetheless, we love them all… and we dare you not to sing along.

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Paige Herer

U Mass Amherst

Paige Herer is a junior at Penn State. She is majoring in public relations and political science with a minor in international studies with hopes of pursuing a a career in PR after graduation. Her business aspirations include but are not limited to becoming Olivia Pope. She has a passion for reading, drinking coffee, long car rides, and scrolling through online blogs for hours. When Paige isn't being ridiculously productive you can find her walking aimlessly around campus trying to figure out how to operate her DSLR camera, or in her tiny dorm room marathoning any and every John Hughes movie.