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Taylor Swift Surpassed Kim Kardashian as the Most Followed Person on Instagram

Move over, Kim Kardashian—Taylor Swift is now the most followed person on Instagram. Kim beat out Beyoncé last month with about 44 million followers to Bey’s 43 million, but Taylor is currently in the lead with 45.8 million followers.

Is it her adorable cat photos that do the trick, or her jealousy-inducing celebrity #squad? Regardless, T. Swift is loved and followed by close to 46 million! Taylor’s world tour, her #TBTs and photos of her famous friends are keeping her Instagram account in the lead. Maybe Kim needs to cool it with the #selfies to maintain her throne… just a thought.

Do you think Taylor deserves this title, collegiettes?

Rachel graduated from the Honors College at James Madison University in May 2017 and is pursuing a career in the media/PR industry. She majored in Media Arts & Design with a concentration in journalism and minored in Spanish and Creative Writing. She loves spending time with friends and family, traveling, and going to the beach.