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9 Reasons North West Will Be the Best Big Sister

ICYMI, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West welcomed their baby boy to the world on Saturday. While the world is speculating about the child’s name (South?), we’re over here thinking about how amazing of a big sister baby North will be. We came up with a few reasons, but there are many, many more.

1. She can ward off all the paparazzi

If they try to bother her little brother, they’ll have North to deal with.

2. She can be his personal stylist

Ever notice how a 2 year-old dresses better than you and then get sad? Yeah.

3. She’ll give him the biggest bear hugs

Sorry, Penelope Disick, you’re gonna have to share the love.

4. She can give him her coat when it gets cold out

With this fabulous fur number, the newest West family member will look just like his dad.

5. If he’s lucky, maybe she’ll share her candy

We said “maybe.”

6. She can teach him all the moves

Ballet, baby.

7. And also how to swim

This girl has all the talents.

8. She won’t take any funny business

She’ll be a cool big sis, but he better not try to pull her hair.

9. She’ll be his trick or treat buddy

OMG, who else is DYING to see the baby’s Halloween costume next year??? Okay, we are calm.

Why will North West be a great big sister, collegiettes?


Iris was the associate editor at Her Campus. She graduated from UCLA with a degree in communications and gender studies, but was born and raised in France with an English mother. She enjoys country music, the color pink and pretending she has her life together. Iris was the style editor and LGBTQ+ editor for HC as an undergrad, and has interned for Cosmopolitan.com and goop. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram @irisgoldsztajn, or check out her writing portfolio here.