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11 Backhanded Compliments Girls Hate to Receive

Every girl loves a nice compliment… unless it’s so backhanded that we wonder if it was really an innocent compliment gone wrong or if the person is just a complete a**hole.  Some people may be trying to be nice with their compliments, but sometimes it would be best if they just didn’t give out compliments at all. Here are 11 backhanded compliments, how they are said and how we really interpret them. 

1. What is said:

“I don’t know how you don’t have a boyfriend/girlfriend yet!”

What we hear:

“There must be a giant 10-foot pole of crazy sticking out of you somewhere we don’t know about, and it must keep every potential dating partner from coming near you.”

2. What is said:

“You have such a unique style.”

What we hear:

“What the hell are you wearing?”

3. What is said:

“You have such a pretty face.”

What we hear:

“Your face is great, but can we get a giant potato sack to cover the rest of your heinous body? Every time I look at it I cringe. ”

4. What is said:

“I can’t believe how good you look lately; I barely recognize you!”

What we hear:

“It used to be easy to pick you out of the crowd because you were stuck in your terrifying awkward stage, but I’m so glad to see you’ve grown out of it and look like an unrecognizable, good-looking person.”

5. What is said:

“No, no, no – you’re not fat. You’re just (big boned, thick, curvy, etc.).”

What we hear:

“You are a huge human. I can’t tell if you’re fat or if you’re so curvy that you look like a human speed bump.”

6. What is said:

“Wow, you’re really good at doing your makeup!” 

What we hear:

“Thank God you know what you’re doing with that.”

7. What is said:

“You’re so photogenic.”

What we hear:

“You look so beautiful in pictures, but when we come face-to-face with your human version, you’re actually hideous.”

8. What is said:

“I love going out with you because you really don’t care what people think.”

What we hear:

“I love going out with you because you’re such a hot mess that I look like the classy, put-together friend.”

9. What is said:

“I love that you’re so confident about your body type.”

What we hear:

“It’s great that you rock those curves and huge a**, because if that was my body, I would hide in a cave and eat nothing but celery for 12 years.”

10. What is said:

“I wish I was brave enough to wear that outfit!”

What we hear:

“You have some serious courage to walk out of the house in something that only covers a third of your body.”

11. What is said:

“You don’t take crap from anyone; I love how strong-willed you are.”

What we hear:

“I wouldn’t want to cross you in a back alley. You’re a crazy, controlling b*tch who will knock down anyone who’s in her way.”