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5 HC HQ Editors on What They Keep at Their Desks

What’s it like to work from Her Campus HQ in Boston (or remotely as part of the HC NYC edit team)? I’m so glad you absolutely didn’t ask. Working in “big-time” editorial is a beautiful, stressful, delightful and challenging scatter of thoughts and emotions at all times–and our desks are a reflection of just that. You know you love us…HCXO, the HC Edit Team. 

Edel Rimando, Assistant Social Editor-Video

 “At work I keep snacks, office pens, and sticky notes at my desk. Just basic essentials I need through the day. But at home my desk is like the homebase for everything for me. It houses my make-up, skincare, jewelry, and basic office supplies.”

Gina Escandon, Beauty Editor

“I want my work desk to feel like a little cozy nest, since I basically live at it every day. I have a legit skincare fridge with fact mists to refresh and a jade roller to stress-massage my face when everything gets extra busy. Plus tissues, pictures of my family, sticky notes with inspiring quotes, and a huge planner to keep me motivated. My desk is arguable my favorite place the world – but only because I’ve gone the extra length to make it functional and a place that I want to sit for 8 hours every day!”

Danielle Tullo, Deputy Editor 

“I work remotely, so my desk is where I spend a majority of my day. Because of that, I always have a Volcano-scented candle by Capri Blue lit and an agate coaster for my pink coffee mug. I also have a chic pen holder, notepad, and fun nameplate that says ‘get it, girl.'”

Felicity Warner, Assistant Editor 

“At my work desk, I always keep things that help me stay productive and positive. For productivity, I have a Rifle Paper Co. calendar sitting right by my laptop so I can always look to it and visually see what my timeline looks like. For positivity, I have set of affirmation cards I pull from every morning — these are just lovely pick-me-ups that remind me to be present, follow my heart, or other cheesy affirmations that just make me feel good inside.” 

Holly Rhue, Branded Content Editor 

“I work remotely, so my desk doubles as my go-to-get-sh*t-done station and makeup vanity. That means my desk is a constant scatter of lipsticks, eyeshadow dust, Papermate pens, chapstick, bobby pins, highlighters, and sticky notes.” 

Shop our HC editors’ favorite desks things right here

Holly Rhue

George Mason University

Holly was previously the Branded Content Editor at Her Campus Media, working on the national edit team to create engaging native editorial and social content for brands that HerCampus.com readers love! Her Beauty & Travel writing has been featured on Cosmopolitan.com, MarieClaire.com, and ELLE.com, where she was previously the digital publication's Editorial Fellow and Weekend Editor right out of college. Once upon a time, she led her own Her Campus chapter at George Mason University (go Patriots!).