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This ‘XO, Kitty’ Min Ho Shirtless Scene Had A Really Funny BTS Moment

Attention To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before movie fans! A new spinoff series of the Netflix movie trilogy called XO, Kitty, starring the one and only Kitty Covey, is out now. Yep, you heard that right, Kitty Covey is back again, but this time, it’s all about her love story. And while doing press for XO, Kitty’s release, star Anna Cathcart gave some hilarious behind-the-scenes details about a scene she had with a shirtless Min Ho, played by Sang Heon Lee.  

XO, Kitty follows Kitty Covey as she jumps on the chance to go to KISS, Korean Independent School of Seoul, where her long-distance boyfriend Dae attends, and her late mother also attended. However, not everything goes to plan when she moves halfway across the world: It turns out Dae is dating someone else, and she is also bunking with a room full of boys after a name mixup. 

Even if you haven’t had time to watch XO, Kitty yet and have only seen the trailer, you probably noticed the ~spicy~ moment that goes on between Kitty and Min Ho, where she jumps into his shirtless arms. This obviously got fans excited as to what this could mean for their relationship. (This is a spoiler-free article, though, so we won’t be getting into it too much!)

During an interview with BuzzFeedOz, Anna Cathcart talked about her experience filming that scene with Sang Heon Lee. She explained, “He has a [face] mister at the start. At one point … it was making a really high-pitched noise.” Once they realized it, they couldn’t help but laugh. “We, like, lost it,” she said. 

It was supposed to be more of an intimate scene, but the face mister had other plans for the cast. I mean, if I was in a silent room with a bunch of cast and crew trying to film a spicy moment, then a funny noise occurred, I’d also crack up. Good thing the cast and crew are close with each other IRL, or that could have gotten even more awkward. 

Although the series was released less than a week ago, it’s already made Netflix’s Top 10 show charts and received an 82% score on Rotten Tomatoes. Talk about popularity, right? This is also Jenny Han’s first streaming project that isn’t based on her books, but rather the fans wanting more time with Kitty on screen. XO, Kitty is streaming now on Netflix.

Sabrina Bernard

Queen's U '25

Sabrina Bernard is a writer Her Campus' National Program. She writes lifestyle content on the site, including entertainment, news, and experiences. Beyond Her Campus, Sabrina is heavily involved at her university, where she is an Orientation Coordinator for the largest not-for-profit orientation in Canada, she is the Co-President of the English Department Student Council, and models for her university's Sustainable Fashion club. She also volunteers at the local Animal Shelter when she goes home. Sabrina is currently a junior at Queen's University, majoring in English Literature with a certificate in French. She has also been a panelist at several literary conferences for her works. In her free time, Sabrina enjoys reading, playing with her cat Poppy, and petting every cat she can find on the streets. She's also a huge Modern Family fan and has rewatched the series multiple times.