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Culture > Entertainment

What We’re Talking About: College Hook-Up Pages


Consider them a forum for fornication experiences; Facebook pages specifically intended to give college students an opportunity to anonymously tell their peers how they actually feel about past, present and potential hook-up partners. 

Set up by also anonymous administrators (presumably college students), users submit through a simple form thoughts and feelings about anything from random hook-ups with frat guys to full-blown personal dating profiles; like the template many students have been using from the NYU Hook Ups site.

And while our friends in NYC have taken a more subdued approach to their college hook-up site, luckily we’ve got plenty of other schools’ more crass pages to keep us entertained. Take these posts from the SCU Hook Ups site;

“#23 To the guy who sang summer love in bronco on wednesday, I’ve never been turned on like that in my life, hope we can meet someday so you can do it again ;)”

How romantic! Or this one:

“#24 Hooked up with a bronco chick, in my 1996 ford bronco. I win.”

As intriguing as these sites are, we have a feeling that the only thing more cringe-worthy than having to accept your recent partaking in a questionable hook-up, is for the Facebook world to know the details of said hook-up.

But who knows? Maybe these mysterious pages will assist in collegiette’s finding their dream date or true love. However, it’s safe to say the chances aren’t in our favor.

Abigail Colby is a current senior at Salisbury University in her native state of Maryland. Before writing and blogging for Her Campus, she worked on the entertainment team for College Magazine and founded her own column, Party Girl Problems, in SU's student newspaper. Along with working as a writer, Abigail is a sister of Zeta Tau Alpha and member of Saisbury Univeristy's Center for Civic Activism. She is also a self-admitted online shopping addict, huge Baltimore Ravens fan (ya know, the Superbowl champs), and loves being out on the water. Puppies and cupcakes are pretty high on the list as well. Enjoy!!