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We Need to Talk About That Haleb Moment From the ‘PLL’ Finale

The finale of Pretty Little Liars threw us for a loop and left us in awe, to say the least. While this episode presented us with some of the most shocking revelations we have probably ever had about the show, it also brought back some of PLL’s most beloved couples. Ezra and Aria revived their love, which we knew was eventually going to happen, and we even saw Spencer and Toby have a little reunion—although, sadly, we didn’t see any on-screen action between the two. But the rekindled couple that we’re most excited about is obviously Hanna and Caleb. We knew the two still had feelings for each other somewhere deep down, but this episode reminded us all why we’ve been Team Haleb from day one.

It might not always seem like Hanna is still in love with Caleb, but this episode definitely put to rest any doubts we may have had. Hanna’s flashback of running out in the pouring rain to go back for Caleb in New York only to find that he had already left immediately broke our hearts. But rest assured, when the show bounced back to reality, we saw the moment that made us fall in love with Haleb all over again: Caleb wiping the tears running down Hanna’s face after she had just revealed to him, “I never stopped loving you.” Can you say, #relationshipgoals? But sadly, the scene didn’t last too long, and it looks like Hanna and Caleb may never be an item again (insert crying emoji here). But, we’re not too upset with the fate of Hanna and Caleb’s relationship right now. We’re more worried about if Hanna is still alive or not. Regardless, #Haleb forever. 

Ally Meyerowitz is a junior at San Diego State University. She is currently trying to pursue a degree in Journalism with an Italian language minor. She is a Jersey girl born and raised, and she will always be a Jersey girl at heart. When she's not scrolling endlessly through her Instagram and Facebook feeds, you can usually find her watching movies, hanging out with friends or eating chocolate. After college, she hopes to become an entertainment editor at a major publication in New York City.