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Waitress Was Left Without a Tip Because She Wasn’t “Normal Looking”

Zombie Burger waitress Taelor May Beeck in Des Moines, Iowa was stiffed by a customer, who wrote on the $17 reciept, “Tips are only for normal looking people.”

Understandably upset, the wonderfully pink-haired waitress took to Facebook to post a shout out “to this girl for stiffing me cuz I look like a weirdo~hope she feels better about herself.” 

Zombie Burger spokesman Chris Diebel told the Des Moines Register the restaurant is a “place that celebrates individuality and we think the vast majority of our customers like the fact that everybody there is unique. It is a real shame that someone would do this to a person in the service industry.”

“At first I was really upset, I felt attacked, I amost felt like I was back in middle school all over again, like being bullied,” Beeck told WHO-TV. But she decided to take the high road. “I didn’t act on it because it’s not worth it when someone puts hate out there, you know, to respond to in a hateful way will do no good.”

Beeck describes herself as an individual, and adds that, “It’s the way I express myself artistically and it’s really important for me to do that.”

And she has some good advice for her judgy customer: “I would tell them not to judge someone based on what they look like. I mean, I may look like a weirdo but I’m actually a very nice, decent person.”

Saina Behnejad is a current senior at Florida State University in Tallahassee, Florida. She's an international student from the UK, former Co-Director of Amnesty International at FSU and is currently the Communications Director for the Florida Coalition to Keep Guns Off Campus. She's passionate about human rights, freedom of the press and money in politics. She enjoys hanging out with her friends, reading novels, and watching Netflix excessively. If you want to know more, you can find her on Instagram: @saina_b and Twitter: @SainaBehnejad.