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VHI Testing Reality Show Waters with Video Clips of Courtney Stodden

Lest we forget the bizarre and controversial life of Courtney Stodden, VH1 has posted two new video interview clips of the twitchy, buxom child bride. In the clips on VH1’s  The Fab Life, Stodden discusses married life (“a complete blessing”), her daily routine
(“it’s basically a princess life”), and what she and what she and her 50+ year old husband have in common (“we both love “I Love Lucy’s.”)

After weeks of candid pictures of Stodden parading through streets and pumpkin patches in short-shorts and stilettoes, as well a disastrous doctor exam on national television regarding her supposed breast implants and a handful of extremely uncomfortable  interviews, there isn’t much left for people to wonder about. Does Courtney Stodden appear to be disoriented and under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol at all times? Yes. Is her relationship with her husband super creepy? Yes. So why is VH1 propping the 17-year-old up in front of a green screen and asking her complicated questions about her love life?

Apparently, VH1 has been considering setting the not-so-newlyweds up with their own reality TV show. According to radaronline.com, Stodden and her husband met with VH1 executives late in October to discuss the pitch for a possible reality TV show. The company’s new blog posts about Stodden could be ushering in a reality TV focused on the unique pair.

Amber is a recent graduate from Hollins University. She greatly enjoyed her time as HC Hollins Editor-In-Chief and looks forward to seeing what great things new students bring to the branch.