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UNC No Longer Uses the Term ‘Freshman’

Administrators at University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill are striving to use more “gender inclusive language” by no longer referring to their first year of students as freshmen.

“Consistent with that commitment, gender inclusive terms (chair; first year student; upper-level student, etc.) should be used on University documents, websites and policies,” read a statement by administrators to Campus Reform.

Their reasoning is that getting rid of language like “freshman” will create a more welcoming environment for everyone attending the institution.

The policy change actually went into effect in 2009, but started to receive high attention after John Stossel, libertarian news personality, mentioned it on his show this month. Ever since, students have spoken out, expressing their opinions over the changes in official documents.

UNC – Chapel Hill students do not agree with the university’s reasoning. They do not believe that the term excludes anyone on campus.

“I feel like they are making a big deal out of nothing. Girls are not going to deem the word as sexist,” said Brandon Hartness, the executive vice chair of the school’s chapter of College Republicans, to Campus Reform. “I feel like most people don’t even think about it.”

This change seems to have received a negative reaction from students, despite the administrators’ intentions.

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Sora Hwang


Sora Hwang, originally from New Jersey, is a journalism major at Northeastern University. On campus, she is involved in the Student Government Association, Northeastern University Figure Skating Club, Haute Fashion (as an editor) and Her Campus Northeastern (as secretary). In any spare time she can manage, she edits pieces for Pink & Black Magazine as its Life Editor and for Mochi Magazine as its Associate Managing Editor. Over summer 2012, she studied documentary filmmaking in Rome and hopes to expand her knowledge in video editing and production. In addition, she loves playing with her puppies, curling up with hot chocolate, and annoying her friends with her indecisiveness.