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Trick or… Treadmill?

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Hello, Hercampus-ers!

I hope you had a great Halloweekend! I definitely had a lot of fun, but in the midst of all the fun, I tried to keep my fitness tips in mind and not forget about being healthy and working out. I didn’t really set aside specific time to workout this weekend (because between Halloween and homework there wasn’t really any time left! And, everyone deserves some days off!), but I did still try to be a little bit healthy and a little bit fitness-conscious while I went about my weekend.

Here’s the things I did this weekend to keep fitness present, and the things we can all do when we’re too busy having fun, to make sure we don’t forget about our fitness plan!

1. Lots and lots of walking!
So I didn’t get on a treadmill this weekend. Or an elliptical. And I didn’t go on a run outside. But I definitely did my fair share of walking! When I needed to buy items for my costume, I made sure to walk to the store (instead of taking the T – the Boston subway). I walked to and from some of the parties I went to. I took a walk on Saturday afternoon just for some fun and fresh air. And, of course, I walked a lot during… Trick or Treating!

Yes, I went Trick-or-Treating (Mom, if you’re reading this, I know you told me to I was too old to be trick-or-treating when I got to high school… sorry! I just couldn’t resist!). And it was so much fun! Being at school in Boston, it’s easy to forget that there are actual neighborhoods here with kids and families. But last night, my friends and I headed to Beacon Hill and walked around the neighborhood amidst all the costumed little kids! As the name suggests, Beacon Hill is hilly, so we not only were walking around a lot, but we were walking up and down hills the whole time! Here’s some pics from our fun times trick-or-treating!

Here’s my friends and I getting ready to stop at our first house! We were all decked out in our costumes – I was Twitter again – (plus some extra layers for warmth…! We didn’t want to catch a cold or anything out there!), and you can see some other costumed people in the background!

Then the walking began…!

2. Some healthy snacking!
Healthy snacking on Halloween? I bet you didn’t think that was possible! Well, think again! After trick-or-treating, instead of digging into my bag of Halloween candy, my friends and I all hung out and ate snacks that one of my friends had so graciously made for all of us! And, yes, there were some not-so-healthy ones…

But we also had some healthy options as well! Look, vegetables!

Combined, the healthy and not-so-healthy snacks made for a great post-trick-or-treating snack session! And the healthy snacks tasted amazing… I’m definitely going to go shopping for some veggies and dip this week!

3. Sleeping!
Halloween weekend, or any weekend as a college student, can turn into a weekend of no sleep (in fact, one of my friends just termed this month “No Sleep November!”). But, as HerCampus New Balance fitness girls, we know better than that, right? I’ve mentioned sleep multiple times throughout this blogging period, because, well it’s just that important! And I admittedly don’t get enough of of sometimes… But this weekend I tried to get enough sleep, so on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, I took a nap! Depending on my schedule for the day, my nap ranged from 30 minutes to 2 hours, but anything counts! And my body is definitely very grateful I took those naps! So if you think you’re too old to take naps, think again! We’re not too old to trick-or-treat, right?

4. Drinking… water!
I don’t know what you thought were in those red plastic cups you saw in the snacking pictures (above), but they were actually full of water! After my long walk around Beacon Hill, I was thirsty! So to wash down my yummy snacks, I drank lots of water! It was very refreshing, and, again, my body was very grateful!

So there you go. It IS possible to be busy, have fun, AND be a little bit healthy! It just takes some practice to make yourself keep thinking a little about fitness and health while having fun at the same time!

Good luck with your week, girls! I will be back later with one final installment of Coloring with Cassidy (again, a.k.a. me drawing out my schedule…)!

P.S. In case you were wondering, here were my costumes for the weekend: Twitter, the Cheshire Cat, and a nerd! I definitely chose some good ones for my last college Halloween!

P.P.S. Thank you to my friend, Nicole, for some of the pictures! And to the rest of my friends for being in the pictures! And to Nikki for making the yummy snacks!

Cassidy Quinn Brettler graduated from Emerson College in May. She's from Seattle, WA. As a major in Broadcast Journalism and Acting, Cassidy has done all kinds of things, including interning at NBC News in Los Angeles, anchoring and producing campus news shows, and even covering the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games! She was also the Merchandising Chair and PR/Social Media Chair of Alpha Epsilon Phi Beta Alpha Chapter, and is a huge fan of all sports. She's also a social media nerd, so if you can't find her outside jumping in puddles (like a true Seattle girl!), you can find her Tweeting from all over Boston. Since graduation, Cassidy's been searching for jobs, involving reporting, video blogging, and Tweeting - maybe even all at the same time...!