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Transgender Men & Women Are Making Their Own ‘Vanity Fair’ Covers

Following the praise and celebration of Caitlyn Jenner’s big reveal, transgender men and women are now creating their own Vanity Fair covers using the hashtag, #MyVanityFairCover.

It all started when a Tumblr user named Jenn Dolari tweeted this after seeing Caitlyn’s cover.

Shortly after, Dolari and her roommate, Crystal Frasier, created a template of the cover where users could edit in their own pictures and fill in the headline “Call me _______” with their own names.  

“I’ve felt frustrated and useless and overwhelmed by opinions on transgender women and how we’re ‘supposed’ to look if we want to be taken seriously,” Frasier wrote in a caption alongside her own version of the cover. “But not all of us adhere to those standards. Not all of us want to. Not all of us can.”

Social media users quickly picked up the hashtag and began making their own images. The hashtag became so popular that Dolari and Frasier created an entirely new Tumblr account as an ode to the many responses they received. 

“This is a trans pride blog made to showcase the wonderful variety that exists within the transgender community above and beyond what we’re shown in the mainstream media,” the blog reads. 

“I think everybody is happy that Caitlyn is happy,” Frasier told Buzzfeed. “This is in no way any kind of critique on her life or choices, but this is a great moment to remind everyone—especially trans kids who might be taking in a message that their worth is based around their ability to look white and cisnormative—that trans people come in a huge variety and we all deserve love, attention, and understanding.”

Danielle is a senior at the University of Georgia majoring in English and minoring in Sociology. You can usually find her dividing her time between being Campus Correspondent of Her Campus UGA, binge-watching Grey's Anatomy on Netflix and daydreaming about being one of Beyonce's backup dancers. If you want to know more about Danielle, you can follow her on Instagram (@danielleknecole_) or Twitter (@DanielleKnecole).